Has the idea of warmer weather ahead got you dreaming about days at the beach? Until that beach weather arrives, live vicariously through these photos of Brighton Beach bathers dancing away in the early 20th century.

brooklyn photos coney island tango
Photo via Library of Congress

Titled “Beach Tango, Brighton” the pictures were taken between 1910 and 1915, as the tango craze was reaching the U.S. Considered a bit risqué, the Argentinian dance brought controversy as it spread throughout Europe and then to North America.

In Brooklyn, the Daily Eagle ran articles around the time with headlines blaring “Brooklyn M.D.s Shake Their Heads and Say Shaking the Tango Is No Help to the Health” and “Tango Not Vulgar to Parisian Eyes.”

brooklyn photos coney island brighton beach tango

Photo via Library of Congress

No photographer is credited, but the photos are all from Bain News Service, a picture news agency that distributed images to media outlets.

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