Brooklyn Designers Offer Some Work From Home Inspiration (Photos)
Still trying to figure out the perfect work from home arrangement?
Still trying to figure out the perfect work from home arrangement?
With renovation shut down across the city and even those still employed preserving cash, it’s time to get creative. Solutions could be as simple as setting aside a special place for home schooling or working from home. Options include a dedicated spot at the kitchen table, moving a table and chair near a window in your bedroom, or putting up a shelf at the right height to serve as a desk wherever space permits.
Moving to different spots throughout the day, space allowing — say, from table to couch to fire escape or stoop — can provide a respite if you’re logging hours of screen time.
One Bed Stuy apartment dweller plans to rearrange the living room and turn a niche currently occupied by a bookcase into a dedicated desk nook. Using furniture and a roll of temporary wallpaper already on hand, she’s planning to wallpaper the niche, place a desk and chair inside, and hang a mirror with a brightly colored frame over the desk. (A stenciled design in a high-contrast paint color could also work in lieu of wallpaper.)
While you may not be able to do a full-blown makeover, Brooklyn designers have been posting some home office projects to inspire some creative thinking.
Chango & Co.
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Harry Heissman
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Willis Design Associates
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CWB Architects
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Glenn Gissler
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General Assembly
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Baxt Ingui Architects
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JMorris Design
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