While friends and neighbors gear up for a block party later today to send off Broken Angel creator Arthur Wood, he has been granted a temporary respite from eviction of just a few weeks, reported The New York Daily News. The Brooklyn Housing Court has postponed his eviction date to March 31. The block party will start with a late-afternoon barbecue followed by dancing at the Irondale Center. The organizers expect a turnout of 1,000 people. After long foreclosure proceedings, which Wood fought in court, the building is now under possession of a new owner. It recently went back on the market for $4.5 million. Above, a photo of the building after Woods partly dismantled it because the structure did not meet the building code. “It’s one of the weirdest, most beautiful buildings in New York — and his life’s work,” said one of the party organizers, Shalin Scupham. “And it’s being taken away.”
Eviction Postponed for Artist Who Created Broken Angel Building [NY Daily News]

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  1. That ugly pile was his lifes work? It took an entire lifetime
    to achieve this “thing”? Oh yes – a real latter day Sistene Chapel.

    In that vein, perhaps it could be moved to Rome, as a gift to the new Pope,
    who’d graciously say thank you & use it to store abuse allegation records – Lord knows it’s at least big enough for that!

    The worshipping & fawning over this monstrosity as a work of art truly boggles the mind.

    Scarano to the rescue! (Hey – by comparison…)