Mind blowing photos of the interior of Jamaica's Tabernacle of Prayer church, once Lowe's Valencia movie house
Thanks to our friends @JHHerald on twitter, we were turned on to this incredible feast for the eyes of the interior of the Tabernacle of Prayer church in Jamaica, through photos taken by Scouting NY. “Mind blowing” is what @JHHerald used to describe it, and we would have to agree. The church was once the Loew’s…

Thanks to our friends @JHHerald on twitter, we were turned on to this incredible feast for the eyes of the interior of the Tabernacle of Prayer church in Jamaica, through photos taken by Scouting NY. “Mind blowing” is what @JHHerald used to describe it, and we would have to agree. The church was once the Loew’s Valencia movie palace, “one of five flagship Wonder Theaters opened by the Loew’s chain in and around New York in the late 1920′s.”
Here’s a photo of the outside of the theater in its heyday.
Image source: Cinema Treasures via Scouting NY – taken probably in 1948 when The Pirate was released
And here’s the exterior today.
Image source: Scouting NY
Note all the baroque ornament on the facade. The interior is also just incredible – so much has been preserved. In the words of Scouting NY, “Valencia is a treasured home treated with reverence, and it’s safe to say the old movie palace is in good hands.” Here’s one shot of the interior:
Image source: Scouting NY
There are many more photos of the interior over on Scouting NY. We suggest you run, not walk, to check out the images. They are simply amazing and gorgeous beyond what we anticipated. Awesome catch, Scouting NY!
The Queens Movie Theater You Will Not Believe [Scouting NY]
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