Here’s a look at the construction progress on the new Elmhurst Library, at 86-01 Broadway. This renovation is part of the city’s shift “to transform… libraries into community destinations,” according to a Queens Courier piece last year, when construction first started. The new Elmhurst Library, which is expected to open in 2014, will be a total of 30,000 square feet, roughly double the size of the old library. The new four-story building will feature separate library areas for adults, children and teens, a 32-computer Cyber Center, an Adult Learning Center, an interior reading atrium, and front and rear community gardens. While construction moves along, the city is operating a temporary library at 85-08 51st Avenue, off Broadway. Check out another construction shot after the jump, as well as a rendering of the final product.

Elmhurst, East Elmhurst Libraries to Become ‘Destinations’ [Queens Courier] GMAP

Rendering via Queens Library

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