
Queens Boulevard is a notoriously dangerous thoroughfare, but after a Bangladeshi immigrant was killed there last week activists are pushing hard for bike lanes, speed humps and speed indicators. DNAinfo reports that Transportation Alternatives started a petition — which already has 1,392 signatures — for the changes. Here’s what it states: “T.A.’s Queens Activist Committee is calling for protected bike lanes, pedestrian safety improvements and Select Bus Service on Queens Boulevard. These critical improvements will save lives, boost local business and dramatically improve local quality of life along the boulevard.” This Saturday, Transportation Alternatives plans to take to the streets of Forest Hills to gather support of residents and business owners. The city enacted some improvements already, including fences and countdown signals. But Transportation Alternatives argues that compared to thoroughfares like Eastern Parkway, Queens Boulevard dedicates a much larger amount of space to cars. More than 70 pedestrians were killed on the boulevard from 1993 to 2001.

Activists Push for More Safety Measures on Queens Blvd After Fatal Crash [DNAinfo]
Photo via Google Maps

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