We’ve found another map we like, this one from the NYC EDC on coffee and tea in NYC (click to enlarge).


Image source: NYC EDC

As you can see, in Queens, the dark patches are in Ridgewood, Glendale, and JFK (there are plenty of spots to get coffee at the airport). Frankly, the Glendale part threw us a bit, since we don’t think of Glendale as having one of “the highest density of cafés per ZIP code.” That said, it shares a zip with Ridgewood, which has a more pronounced cafe culture (here are some of the cafes in Ridgewood/Glendale)

More on the methodology:

“In order to figure out where StatsBee readers could warm up, we used the latest Restaurant Inspection Results from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. When our exhaustive search for caffeine was complete, StatsBee had compiled a list of 1,700 cafés, coffee shops, and tea shops in the five boroughs of New York City. “

They also discovered that 42.7% of the City’s cafés are either a Dunkin Donuts or a Starbucks (chains like Queens). Everything else is a smaller chain or indie coffee spot. Smaller chains include places like Oren’s Daily Roast, Joe Coffee, and Café Grumpy.

Coffee and Tea in New York City [NYCEDC]
Chains continue to populate in Queens [QNYC]

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