From High Above LIC
Recently, I received an invite to attend a Queens Economic Development Corporation (QEDC) mixer and cocktail event at the Z Hotel in Long Island City. Normally, this sort of business card exchange leaves me flat, but I’ve been eager to check out the view from the Z Hotel’s roof top lounge since it opened, so…

Recently, I received an invite to attend a Queens Economic Development Corporation (QEDC) mixer and cocktail event at the Z Hotel in Long Island City. Normally, this sort of business card exchange leaves me flat, but I’ve been eager to check out the view from the Z Hotel’s roof top lounge since it opened, so I gathered up my camera and convinced my wife to meet me in Queens Plaza after she got out of work in the city.
The views certainly did not disappoint either of us, and since my ulterior motive in attending the thing was to gather some shots, I left her chatting with a few other attendees and got down to business. Pictured above is mighty Queensboro on the right with a still quite industrial LIC acting as a frame for the East River, Roosevelt Island and Midtown Manhattan.
It’s hard not to take notice of the 1,396 foot 432 Park Avenue rising between 56th and 57th Streets over in the Shining City of Manhattan, by the way.
LOTS more after the jump, including special guest stars…
As mentioned, this was set up as a networking party, and there was somebody from every possible business sector present. I met telecommunications sales people, a fellow with a DJ firm, construction industry representatives, and even a very nice lady who was running a gourmet macaroni and cheese operation in LIC. There was a staffed bar offering drink specials, and libation helped to lubricate social interaction in the usual manner. Little groups of people began to introduce themselves and chat. Many exchanged business cards and or write things down on pads.
My wife got in on the QEDC vibe, and started handing out her card to interested parties (she’s in advertising and marketing). Having run out of cards myself around a month ago, I decided to get busy with the camera again.
Opened in 2011, Z Hotel is found at 11-01 43rd Ave in Long Island City, rising prominently alongside the Queensboro Bridge. It’s a hundred room boutique hotel, I’m told, and it’s 11 stories tall and was designed by Andre Kikoski.
Note: A personal policy is to never refer to this bridge using its modern nomenclature, meant to honor former Mayor Ed Koch. No offense is offered to the memory of Mr. Koch, but when they rename any of the ones going to Brooklyn I’ll start calling Queensboro whatever they tell me to. Ever notice that it’s the Queens ones that always are at the top of the list to get renamed? How’s about we start calling the Williamsburg Bridge “The Michael Rubens Bloomberg Williamsburg Bridge”? Sounds kind of bizarre, huh?
It’s Queensboro, just Queensboro. Grrrr.
As stated, the views from the roof of Z Hotel are awe inspiring, especially for a fellow like myself who is possessed of a certain historical perspective. The claims of a 5,000 unit growth around Court Square is apparent in the shot above, which looks past the Citi building south east towards the Long Island Expressway, Newtown Creek, and the infinities of Brooklyn. Lost in my photographing, I sensed a certain buzz in the air when an elevator door opened.
Suddenly, I regretted wearing shorts to this event.
Great Caesar’s Ghost!
That’s Melinda Katz, the Borough President of Queens!
I’ve been privileged to have interacted with many elected officials in Queens, but this is only the second time that I’ve photographed our new Borough President and the first time I actually got to interact with her. Never know who you’re going to meet at a QEDC mixer, as the old saying goes. Well, it’s not actually a saying, per se, but you get my meaning.
The Borough President made a short speech to the group, extolling the virtues of Queens and its business community. She counted off a series of advantages enjoyed by her commercial and industrial constituents, and described Queens as a brilliant place for entrepreneurial activity of all scales and sizes.
At Melinda Katz’s side is Seth Bornstein, who has been with the QEDC since 1979 and serves as its Executive Director. First time that I met him as well. As you’d imagine, once the speech was over, an aspirant and admiring crowd descended on the two of them.
A quick glance confirmed that my wife had actively reengaged with the small crowd of folks she was chatting with prior to the speech, and seemed happily occupied, so I decided to return to “photo duty.” The light was changing fast, and the sun was going to be setting pretty soon. There is no better time of day to photograph western Queens in this time of the year than the during late afternoon and early evening.
Looking north, over the Queensboro off ramps, the Queensbridge houses, a part of Dutch Kills, all of Ravenswood, and the East River side of Astoria. That’s the Big Allis power plant on the left, and on the horizon are the Triborough and Hell Gate Bridges. My wife found me and admonished that I should have a drink and be social in the spirit of the event. I was waiting for sunset anyway, so I had a gin and tonic, which is an ideal beverage for evenings in the late summer – in my opinion.
Virtually the same point of view that opened this post, but this was just after the street lights came on.
Looking south, down the East River.
Finally, looking east, towards Queens Plaza with the Silvercup sign at center. The lights you see flaring on the left horizon are coming from LaGuardia Airport. Just to the right of it is the newish Tishman Building in Queens Plaza, Gotham Center.
Newtown Creek Alliance Historian Mitch Waxman lives in Astoria and blogs at Newtown Pentacle.
Yes, when you go from Queens to Manhattan you are going to the city! When you go from Manhattan to Queens, you are going to Forest Hills, Kew Gardens, Rego Park, ________ (fill in the blank.). In fact, when you address an envelope of a letter going to Manhattan, it is New York, NY, as in New York CITY. Address an envelope to anywhere within the other boroughs, it is going to Forest Hills, Brooklyn, Bronx, etc.
Then stand in Douglaston and say “Welcome to the City!” to everyone who enters from Nassau County.
You’re a fool.
Let me rephrase your own words, “Going into Queens is going to the city [of New York].”
OK, so, going into Douglaston from Nassau County is “going to the city,” is that correct?
As I understand your logic, you should reply with one word, Yes.
“We used to be the 3rd largest!” Yawn. Once again, a nostalgic “good ol’ days” of Brooklyn type comment that laments the New Colossus that never was. Brooklyn is ONE component of a much-larger psyche and geography. Deal with it.
Incorrect. Brooklyn was the 4th largest, behind NYC, Chicago, and Philadelphia.
Love people who talk in absolutes but their absolutes are absolutely wrong.
I’m not sure how I was speaking in absolutes by pointing out that prior to consolidation, saying “the city” did not have the singular absolute meaning of Manhattan within the modern borders of New York City.
But ok you got me, Brooklyn’s 20+ year run as the 3rd largest city in the years before consolidation was not in the years immediately before.
Time’s Down, of course the answer to your question is yes. Douglaston is part of Queens. Queens is part of the city. If you don’t want to take my word for it, look at a map and you will see that my statements are correct.
We also go “out to the island” when we’re already living on Long Island. Oh, the horror!
Sorry, but it’s the vernacular. It doesn’t have to make sense to you. It’s how people speak. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to, but it’s not “wrong” and you really have no right to impose your manner of speaking on them.