A vicious feud has filled the city of Verona with senseless violence. There’s no respect for life, and youths are brawling openly in the streets. In other words, the time is ripe for a powerful and pure romance. Romeo and Juliet, children of enemy factions, fall desperately in love and plan to get married, with the help of a peace-loving friar and hapless nurse. Their boundless joy foretells hope for Verona, but fate has other plans. Everybody knows the tragic story of these star-crossed lovers, but this version, which The Secret Theatre will host for seven performances, is unique. The producers, the Poetics Theatre Collective, and director Daniel Roberts prefer a bold interpretation of Shakespeare with a cast free to invest in the rage and wonder of the plot with wild abandon while embracing the full compass of the Bard of Avon’s language. Adding to the fun is the intimate setting and fight choreography by John Tourtellotte, who also plays Romeo.

Details: Romeo and Juliet, The Secret Theatre, 44-02 23rd Street, Long Island City, November 7th to November 16th, (Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm, Sunday at 2 pm, Buy $15-$18 tickets here.

Photo by Nile Hawver

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