More park land for Jackson Heights
Image source: Queens Courier – click to enlarge It might seem like old news, but it’s still worth talking about – Jackson Heights is getting more park space. This is a neighborhood that doesn’t have much of that, so it is a welcome advancement in the community. It will cost $6 million, and will be located…

Image source: Queens Courier – click to enlarge
It might seem like old news, but it’s still worth talking about – Jackson Heights is getting more park space. This is a neighborhood that doesn’t have much of that, so it is a welcome advancement in the community. It will cost $6 million, and will be located at 33-16 79th Street (GMAP), adjacent to Travers Park. This is a 24,600 square foot “asphalt play yard” owned by the Garden School; the school will get to use the park from 8am-4pm during the school year.
The Parks Department says this arrangement is unique – it’s the first time the city has made this kind of an arrangement with a private school.
Councilman Danny Dromm (D-Jackson Heights) says, “The purchase of the Garden School athletic field means that a park-starved community like Jackson Heights will get to preserve precious open space and have the opportunity to almost double the size of the neighboring Travers Park.”
No one knows yet how the park space will be configured, or if there will even be grass. Artificial turf might be a consideration. Comments from neighbors will be solicited by Parks Department in the coming months as to what to do with the space.
City closes deal for Jackson Heights park [Queens Chronicle]
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