Viva La Comida Festival – amazing food and fun is coming to Jackson Heights

Some of the greatest food vendors in NYC, plus dancing and a pop-up market, are coming to Jackson Heights on Friday, September 21 from 4-9pm during the inaugural Viva La Comida Festival. You’ll get a chance to hang out at Dunningham Triangle, too, and get to know the neighborhood a little better. As for the food – get ready to enjoy deals on great eats from vendors like Tortas Nezas, The Arepa Lady, and Patacon Pisao, all Vendy Award finalists. It should be an excellent time for all.

Would you like to join your Community Board?

Some of you might want to after attending a meeting or two and feeling inspired. There’s a whole process set up to get on a CB, and it starts with an application (warning: .pdf). More information can be found here. All members are appointed to the Board by the Borough President (Helen Marshall is currently the Queens Borough President). Board members must reside, work or have some other significant interest in the community.

Here are a couple of sandwich faves in response to yesterday’s Question of the Day

Yesterday, a couple of Astorians shared with us their favorite sandwiches in response to our question, “where do you find a great sandwich?”

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We know both of these are pretty darn good. Check them out (and get the chicha at Arepas Cafe, too).

Soon you’ll get to know Jamaica Bay a little better, thanks to Dan Hendrick’s upcoming film

Have you ever spent any time near Jamaica Bay? We know it’s not the most well-traveled spot for a lot of New Yorkers. Sunnyside resident (and spouse of Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer) Dan Hendrick wants to change that with his film Jamaica Bay Lives, which will detail the rich history of the bay, the current issues surrounding it, and the potential it holds. The area is home to a ton of birds and the the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge is home to one of the most significant bird sanctuaries in the Northeast. The film sounds promising and we look forward to viewing it when it’s completed.

QueensNYC is hiring

Here at QueensNYC we are looking to hire a part time Assistant Editor with a passion for and deep understanding of Queens. Is this you? If so, we encourage you to apply!

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