Question of the day - what are your Thanksgiving plans?
Image source: mathewingram on Flickr – Thanksgiving at Golden Lake Well, Thanksgiving is just around the corner, if you can believe it. What do you plan to do for the holiday? Will you travel to see family or friends or are they coming to you? Are you cooking or going out? Will you go to…

Image source: mathewingram on Flickr – Thanksgiving at Golden Lake
Well, Thanksgiving is just around the corner, if you can believe it. What do you plan to do for the holiday? Will you travel to see family or friends or are they coming to you? Are you cooking or going out? Will you go to the parade? We’d love to know. Leave us a comment here or via twitter at @queensnycity.
First, since its Thanksgiving… we’ll be gathering together as a family and thanking God for the gifts of love and life. Secondly, we’ll be gathering together as friends and families and taking home-cooked meals to Brighton beach, Brooklyn to share a meal with many affected by Hurricane Sandy.
Happy Thanksgiving… it sure is more than a turkey 🙂