Question of the day - what wildlife have you seen recently here in the city?
This question is inspired by this post over on – Falcon or Hawk – Let the Debate Begin! – and it got us thinking- have you seen any actual wildlife recently here in the city? We’re not talking pigeons or squirrels, but real deal wildlife. We know there’s a hawk family that hangs out near the…

This question is inspired by this post over on – Falcon or Hawk – Let the Debate Begin! – and it got us thinking- have you seen any actual wildlife recently here in the city? We’re not talking pigeons or squirrels, but real deal wildlife. We know there’s a hawk family that hangs out near the Triboro/RFK bridge; and of course various animals have gotten loose in the past year – we’re looking at you, peacock. So let us know what you’ve seen recently – leave us a comment here or via twitter at @queensnycity!
Most def have seen a raccoon, twice. And got a quick glimpse of a young opossum this past fall, which I believe found a nice home burrowed under my neigHbors small deck…eating the neighboring grapes and figs spanning a few homes. Do they hibernate in the winter? 311 says those sightings not all that uncommon in queens, and they will only call Animal Control if they believe the animal to be rabid.