Safety Upgrades on Metropolitan Avenue Will Take Away Parking
Both NY Daily News and DNAinfo have reports on the Department of Transportation’s plan to relocate a Q54 bus stop and install two left turn bays at the Metropolitan Avenue and 71st Avenue intersection in Forest Hills. At least 18 people have been injured at this intersection since 2007; the turning lane is expected to…

Both NY Daily News and DNAinfo have reports on the Department of Transportation’s plan to relocate a Q54 bus stop and install two left turn bays at the Metropolitan Avenue and 71st Avenue intersection in Forest Hills. At least 18 people have been injured at this intersection since 2007; the turning lane is expected to reduce the line of drivers who get backed up waiting to make that turn. Community Board Six isn’t thrilled with the plan considering the DOT will remove 14 parking spaces to make the safety improvements. City officials surveyed the area and felt like those spaces were underutilized, due to many businesses having their own parking lots. Residents still worry the loss of parking will hurt nearby businesses. As the CB6 Board Chairman argued, shoppers cannot use parking lots which belong to stores if they don’t shop there. Other residents believe a turn lane won’t make a big enough difference for the high level of traffic along Metropolitan anyway. The full community board will take a vote on the matter next month.
Plan to Make Metropolitan Ave. Intersection Safer Could Drive Customers Away [NY Daily News]
CB6 Slams Plan to Remove 14 Parking Spaces from Busy Stretch [DNAinfo]
Well, shucks, Community Board 6, maybe people who get run over at this intersection aren’t thrilled with that outcome, either.