Opponents of the controversial plan to develop the 31-acre area of East Williamsburg called the Broadway Triangle sued the city yesterday in Supreme Court, charging racial and religious discrimination as well as failure to comply with due process. The coalition of 40 North Brooklyn community groups alleges that the plan for 1,895 new units of housing favor the Hasidic community by including a disproportionate number of three- and four-bedroom apartments to house larger Jewish families and by capping building height at eight stories, since Jews can’t take the elevator on the Sabbath. The suit points out that nearly half of the public housing in the area is currently occupied by Hasidic Jews, despite federal court orders requiring the end of discriminatory practices and despite the fact that the waiting list for such housing has remained at over 90 percent Latino and African American for more than 30 years. It also claims that the Ridgewood-Bushwick Senior Citizens Council and the United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg received exclusive development rights in a no-bid process through their connections to Assemblyman Vito Lopez (D-Williamsburg), and that the city failed to submit its plans for review by Bedford-Stuyvesant’s Community Board 3, as required by land use regulations. Addressing some of these claims back in July, Councilman David Yassky (D-Williamsburg) said, “I want more housing, but I don’t want skyscrapers in the middle of Brooklyn … I can’t imagine that there are real grounds for a lawsuit.” GMAP
Racial and Religious Discrimination Alleged in Triangle [NY Daily News]
City Sued over Triangle Rezoning [Brooklyn Paper]
Triangle Debate Goes On over Eminent Domain [Brownstoner]
The Voice Calls Out Lopez [Brownstoner]
Markowitz Endorses Lopez’s Triangle Plan [Brownstoner]

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  1. “cowardly jokers”

    It’s true, they wouldn’t have the ‘uhm-you-know-what to say these things face to face.

    “I think a “flush the toilet” button would work much better than a ban.”

    Can we have a graphic with that! I’ll help make it! : )

  2. Jack slade-just got in and only wanted to add that I was only one of several people who called him out on that comment. After awhile it feels like your head wants to explode from the stupidness that gets written here. I don’t care if people want to disagree about politics, health care, if the sky is blue- but what some people actually feel comfortable writing in terms of racism and anti-semitism is appalling. And I’ve made no bones about it.

    What is heartening is how many other people will take them to task for it. Maybe those are battles we need to have in public so people don’t think it’s ok to say things like the hitler comment or the butler comment. Maybe some of them will even think next time. (One can hope).

  3. Rob is “making his own bed” as they say. And he’ll get banned again, and again. And maybe one day he’ll wise up. Or I hope anyway.

    “let freedom ring.” You remind me of a friend of mine.

  4. Ah, I found it, Uh, that was butterfly aka Rob. And that was offensive and he was called out on it, and he just came off a ban. So he may be ‘laying the hay’ for being banned again.

  5. “The other day this idiot calls an African American kid a “butler” then writes “jeeves fetch me a 40″. There was no cavalry to the rescue or Stoner outcry for a ban.”

    I missed that thread jack — where was that. Mr. B should know about that for sure.

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