Construction on the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway will continue in the fall of 2014 with a two-way bikeway along Flushing Avenue next to the Navy Yard, Streetsblog reported. NYC DOT, the Department of Design and Construction and Parsons are designing the mile-long stretch of bike and pedestrian space, which will link the Manhattan Bridge approach, Dumbo and Farragut Houses to Williamsburg Street West, Kent Avenue and Williamsburg.

The plan is to convert the existing west side bike lane into a two-way bike path with a three-foot wide planted buffer separating cyclists from traffic and a five-foot-wide planted strip between cyclists and pedestrians. Adding the bikeway will shorten pedestrian crossing distances by 20 percent, according to Streetsblog. The west side bike path will be eight feet wide, and the DOT will preserve the painted bike lane on the east side of Flushing, which is five feet wide.

Community Board 2 unanimously approved the project earlier this month, and the Public Design Commission will review the design plan next month. Construction is slated to begin next fall.

Look after the jump to see a diagram of the plans.

Here’s What’s Next for the Flushing Ave Segment of the Brooklyn Greenway [Streetsblog]
Image by NYC DOT/DDC/Parsons via Streetsblog

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