Gorgeous! That’s the word that leaps to mind to describe this new listing at 167 6th Avenue in Park Slope. The two-family brownstone has lots of original detail in addition to a renovated kitchen and a beautiful back yard. The price ain’t low though: $3,450,000 is a pretty penny, especially for a house on an avenue. Still, it’ll be easy for buyers to imagine themselves moving right in and there’s no doubt that the Park Slope townhouse market is on fire.
167 6th Avenue [Corcoran] GMAP P*Shark

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  1. Nice house, presents well….Location, as BrooklynDreamland noted, next door to church and cater-corner to a bustling school on a busy, narrow avenue, makes this $3.45m price tag a bit of a ballsy move by the seller (or the broker.) The price point of this house and the time of the year that this house has come onto the market will guarantee that this house sits unsold for the summer…Look for a significant price reduction before this house finds its new owner….

  2. Pretty! Is some of the sod digital? Why do millionaires love IKEA? Why don’t these folks know how to make a bed? Are they defying their stager on purpose? And other questions. If I had $3.5M, I would buy it!

    And I would happily share the yard with the next-door neighbors if they seemed nice.