Gotham Brokerage's Holiday Gift Guide for That Special Someone — Without Apartment Insurance
For your friend or loved one who doesn’t have apartment insurance, here are some holiday gift ideas.

So your friend or loved one doesn’t have apartment insurance. Many people don’t know how cheap it is. Others think their lease has built-in protections. Still others think their roommate’s policy covers them.
For these people, here are some holiday gift ideas. They’re going to need them.
1. New set of towels.
Winds from a fierce summer storm can break a window or damage a roof, and then hurl debris into your friend’s apartment. In fact, water damage to the interior is the most common claim of all.
A new set of towels will help soak up that mess — especially since there will be no clean-up coverage provided by apartment insurance.
2. A designer leather checkbook cover.
If a tub or toilet overflows, and seeps down into the apartment below your friend, they’ll be liable for any damages.
A nice new leather checkbook is a status symbol, and a safe place for your friend to keep blank checks. They’ll need to write them — unless they buy apartment insurance.
3. Surge protector.
Did you know that during the summer months most power surges don’t originate from lightning? More often it’s from the power being restored by the electric company after repairs have been made from storm damage.
Your friend can protect his or her electronics by using a surge protector. Of course, another way to get protection is to get apartment insurance.
4. Washing machine hose.
Your friend is just one broken washing machine hose away from ruining their downstair neighbor’s valuable art collection.
A new washing machine hose can prevent this — apartment insurance adds even more protection.
5. Apartment insurance.
Why not just buy your friend or loved one apartment insurance? Most policies come with $100,000 worth of liability coverage, but the difference between $100,000 and $1 million worth of coverage is only about $70 a year.
Besides, it’s quick, and easy, and Gotham has been in the business for many holidays past.
When your friend has a break from installing a new washer-machine hose, writing checks from their new leather case, or pulling their hair out, have them Contact Gotham for a free quote today.
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