Spiff Up Your Old Hardware
If you're like us, you've got piles of old hinges and doorknobs in your cellar that are layered in ...
If you're like us, you've got piles of old hinges and doorknobs in your cellar that are layered in ...
The NY Times' Local blog had a guest post yesterday about one of our favorite stores and people in ...
We received a tip about the opening of a new outdoor architectural salvage business a few days ago ...
The coolest item at The Flea this weekend was without a doubt this old iron fireplace that Clinton...
Teardowns are as much a problem in non-landmarked Brooklyn areas as they are in other parts of the ...
There's nothing quite like a yard sale to satisfy a bargain hunter's desires. We found these four s...
There are three for-sale items posted on the Forum today: Antique Dressing Room Built-In For Sale 2...
The range of items you can find in the warehouse of Astoria-based Build It Green! is wide, with ev...
Here's a guest post that a reader sent in...The cold weather is here and we are now thinking of heat...
You'd think that people who have no appreciation for older architecture could find a house that's ...