Citing Risk to Botanic Garden, City Planning Commission Will Vote No on Crown Heights Tower
The City Planning Commission will vote to disapprove the controversial Crown Heights apartment tower...
The City Planning Commission will vote to disapprove the controversial Crown Heights apartment tower...
At a public hearing Thursday afternoon in front of the City Planning Commission, local residents, ad...
Community Board 6’s Land Use Committee voted to approve the Gowanus rezoning plan on June 17 with ...
Repair plans for Gowanus New York City Housing Authority buildings as part of the neighborhood’s c...
The controversial neighborhood-wide Gowanus rezoning is back in the spotlight, as local electeds are...
The Gowanus rezoning can once again move ahead after a Brooklyn Supreme Court Judge accepted the cit...
City officials added the sale of more than a football field’s worth of publicly owned air rights t...
The Gowanus rezoning has officially entered the city’s ULURP process. “Today is such an impor...
A lawsuit has temporarily stalled the land use process for the controversial Spice Factory developme...
Proposed changes suggested for a controversial development in southern Crown Heights were met with s...