Yesterday evening, we visited some architect and designer friends who bought their house in Crown Heights last winter and are just starting to make some headway on their backyard. We thought this was an interesting twist on the vertical slats of a more traditional cedar fence.

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  1. Two years later and I have a question about your horizontal cedar fence. Is it in need of maintenance or repair? Have you experience warping? Was the cedar you used kiln-dried or air dried? Did you use stainless hardware? If not, have you experienced any of the blackish drool marks from galvanized or other type of hardware? I am building one of these “great walls” and appreciate any insight you could share.

  2. I’m not an architect, but I know two very good designers who I’ll pass your email on to.

    As for the bamboo root issue – the key is to put an impermeable barrier around that very aggressive root system. Again, the people at bamboo sourcery were helpful with educating us about the finer details about that, but there’s a lot of information on the net about it as well.

  3. @Shahn Andersen

    i think it’s a lovely fence and just as importantly, an interesting solution.

    we just bought brownstone in crown heights and are looking for an innovative architect to work with…

    if you are interested in talking, or if anyone has any great recommendations, please drop me a line-

  4. I kind of like the way it looks, but imagine if its a brownstone, it might be a bit much… it would look great with a case study house tho’…

    And wow 8′, now I understand why one might want that height, but can’t believe you’ve gotten away with it…

    Also isn’t it the rule that you put the less attractive side of the fence facing you, the fence builder, that is the side with the posts… Unless this is double sided, it could look more like barracks from their side?

    But if you’re getting away with it… it does make a statement.

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