We were excited about the planted median on Carlton between Myrtle and Park when it started getting built a couple of months ago. Now that it’s just about complete, we think it looks even better than anticipated. It really transforms that block from a wasteland feel to a more neighborhoody feel.
The Greening of Carlton Avenue [Brownstoner]
Fort Greene Bike Lane Project [DOT] GMAP

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  1. 10:39, you are correct. I thought the former Marine commandant’s house was further east. Thanks. Nonetheless, with one ugly block between this new greenscape and the Navy Yard, I maintain that there is no causal connection between the two projects. My comments about Fourth Avenue were merely in response to those that preceded it.

  2. 10:16 don’t know if you’ve checked the BNYDC map the historical ctr faces Carlton. Everything going on there is nothing but in prep for the major overhaul including, of course, the bike lanes. The 4th Ave issue is a pointless one, nothing to do with this logistical strategy.

  3. 11:48 is doubly wrong. For one, the planned Navy Yard historical center and new home for BCUE isn’t at Carlton Avenue. Secondly, this project is part of a larger north-south bike route intended to give people a safer route to the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges.

    10:18’s rebuttal to 4:40 is correct. Because the Fourth Avenue subway is “cut and cover” construction, a planted median isn’t feasible. Planters or raised bed, maybe. The planting beds over the commuter rail lines under Park Avenue in Manhattan were designed to be there right from the beginning.

  4. This is great news. Except this wouldn’t have happened if the Navy Yard Historical Museum or BCUE was not to be constructed at the end of Carlton on Flushing. This will be the entrance. Expect a hike in your rents when it happens.

  5. Kudos to Brownstoner for posting this and a double kudos to Brooklyn. The median looks beautiful and adds so much to the quality of life. I hope more of these are built all over as this city really needs more trees.

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