It’s a big news day in the food department for Cobble and Boerum Hill. This morning, The Brooklyn Eagle broke the news (well, it’s still technically a rumor) that Trader Joe’s will be moving into the Independence Bank building at Atlantic on Court. No sooner had we read that than a tipster passed on word from a “fairly reliable neighborhood source” that the the Army Navy and Realty storefronts at Smith and Wyckoff (GMAP) were going to be taken over by McDonald’s. “If this is true, then, well, it f—ing sucks,” groused our man on the inside. Anyone else heard this?
Trader Joe’s Coming to Old Independence Bank [Brooklyn Eagle] GMAP

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  1. I spoke to the owner of the building and can say that this McD’s rumor is not only false but also caused the owner of Brooklyn Camo to be worried that his lease (which still has years to run) was about to be terminated.

    Perhaps before posting totally unsubstantiated rumors B’stoner could do a little due diligence first; it’s not that hard.

  2. Re: Starbucks
    There are plenty of great retaurants on Smith St (I live around the corner) but not all that many cafes. Right now, I can think of only one casual place (go ahead and flame me…I’m sure I missed a couple) where you can get a cappucino to go. There was a little coffee shop more close to there that actually went out of business. I don’t think Starbucks is a bad thing at all.

    McD’s I would rather not see there, but bear in mind this is a very diverse neighborhood, and I’m sure plenty of my less affluent neighbors will welcome their arrival.

  3. Oh my word. Why dont you all go back to Manhattan if you dont like Mcd’s in the neighborhood or Dunkin Donuts.Get a grip for Gods sake. You cant afford to live in the city so you want to bring it to Brooklyn now. Stop trying to bring Manhattan and its unaffordable rents and establishments to Brooklyn and price out the minority residents who have been holding down the various neighborhoods all these years.Go to Jersey ,Connecticut, Westchester if you cant deal.Good grief….

  4. You guys are all nuts –

    #1 TJ has outlets in Manhattan that offer no parking whatseover. The sacred Food Coop also has no parking. Get a grip.

    #2 Raise your hands if you REALLY think McDs is going to take away business from Luluc or Po, or even the hideous China Hong down the block from it.

    #3 Aside from the projects, there are 3 public schools within a block of the proposed McDs. No, I’m not a racist, thank you.

    #4 What about Sahadis is so frightening?

    #5 I will now have to buy my camo thong bikinis on line. Oh, the shame.

  5. Where will the parking be? Someone said that the parking lot next door on the Atlantic side will be used for private condos? I can’t believe Trader Joe’s would take a space without parking?

  6. Nice thread folks and at the moment, I can’t get into my opinions on both McDs and TJs.

    HOWEVER, when I see blant ignorance I have to call it out and this time it SCREAMS so loudly I just can’t resist.

    “re: “Cobble” or “Boerum” confusion… where’s “the hill” exactly? oh, Real Estate Names, you slay me!
    Posted by: who walk in brooklyn at June 28, 2007 11:37 AM”

    Are you kidding? Are you being sarcastic? For someone who so snobbishly tries to come off as a Brooklyn old timer and know it all, your ignorance is embarassing. You think Cobble Hill and Boerum Hill are real estate terms? Do you know Brooklyn history or local geography at all?

    You sir, are a fool…

    If you can’t walk from Court Street down the hill to Smith between Atlantic and Degraw and notice that there is a hill, you not only are a fool, you are blind.

    And if you don’t know the history of Boerum Hill and why its actually called that than you are just as ignorant as your other comments regarding food.

    Educate yourself. You’ll be less embarassing on chat boards.

    DUMBO is a real estate term. Carroll Gardens ” West” is a real estate term. Cobble Hill and Boerum Hill are -not-.

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