$7 million dollars has been granted to Greenpoint and the Newtown Creek area for waterfront improvements. This comes from the 2008 settlement after the state polluted nearby waters while upgrading a sewage plant. The Brooklyn Paper has an exhaustive list of possible plans for the waterfront, which will be voted on by Brooklyn residents in the coming weeks. Among the proposals are a pedestrian plaza at American Playground, a public boathouse (rendering pictured), McCarren Pool additions, and a skate park. Got any preferences?
City Has $7M to Spend on Greenpoint Waterfront [Brooklyn Paper]

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  1. props to the person who drew that rendering for not making it all moonface. that doesnt happen often when it comes to those kinds of drawings.


  2. yea, how about put it into lobbying to get the waterfront downzoned to no more than 4 stories high.
    And if there’s any left over use it to buy bread for the ducks.