h-o-d-1108.jpgNow that the city has given Boerum Hill, Cobble Hill and Brooklyn Heights the finger by re-opening and expanding the House of Detention, pols like David Yassky and William Thompson are fighting back with a lawsuit; you can throw your opinion into the ring as well. An online petition has been started here. Update: Gothamist reports that “there is no timetable” for the reopening and expansion.

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  1. Brownstoner — You’ve been snowed by local groups like “stop bhod.” People have a knee-jerk reaction to the idea that there’s a jail in their midst. They think, if there’s a jail, there must be criminals, and criminals are bad, so jails are bad. But the fact remains that this neighborhood has thrived over the last couple of decades in spite of the jail. Property values have risen. Local stores and restaurants and bars, etc., have opened and closed and opened again and done quite well. The worst thing about the jail, is that it interupts the flow of commercial storefronts, which wouldn’t be quite as bad if that terrible rental building at Atlantic and Court didn’t do the exact same thing.

    Yassky and Thompson and Squadron are in the pockets of a few rich folks who live on State St. This issue is stupid and ought to go away.

  2. This is a post simply to get responses – it has been argued to death on this and other websites. The jail is where it should be – near the courthouse and near major transportation hubs. Posts like this by Jon Brownstoner remind me that this site is a profit making business which makes money off the number of hits. Damn I just made another dollar for Jon!

  3. Reckon it’s indifferent to property values ’cause there’s no real impact. Except for a few more cops and visitors eating pizza on court street. Was no big deal the last time it was open.

    But what about the expansion? What’s the dealy on that? Any renderings on this thing? Looks pretty butt-ugly now. Needs some nice big windows, green space, nice low fences . . .


  4. This is the most suitable place for a jail. It’s located in downtown Brooklyn, has been so for decades, is adjacent to courthouses and substance abuse treatment programs for offenders mandated to rehabilitation, and is an existing structure. Seems like a no brainer to me.

    Plus, it’s going to happen, so why bother to complain about something that can’t be stopped?

  5. “this is bad for local business”

    Not according to the restaurants located nearby. In fact, when the HOD closed the first time, many complained that they had lost a steady source of business. I agree with the others – it’s a non-issue.

  6. this is ridiculous. did you people not realize you were buying property or opening businesses in a neighborhood with a jail? it may have been closed for a while, but we always knew it had the potential to reopen. talking about tearing the building down, relocating it, and refurbishing this building as a school would cost a ridiculous amount of money that the city has better things to spend on.

    it would be a different story if they were talking about opening a new jail here, but it’s a little absurd to be bitching about something you bought into.

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