When we last checked in with 406 15th Street, developer Jack LoCicero and his band of merry excavators had forced the evacuation of a neighboring building by trying to build an underground garage atop a stream. Showing their ongoing high regard for Mother Nature, the crew was caught in action trashing a bunch of city-owned trees on the sidewalk outside the site. Neighbors called 911 and the Community Board and members of the police and parks department showed up. We don’t know if a slap on the wrist was meted out, but we do know it was a matter of no time before the contractors were back to work. In addition to documenting the arboricide in a recent post, Blogger IMBY gets inside 1504 8th Avenue to see the structural damage caused by the excavation on 15th Street. Scary stuff.
Lost Sense of Humor [IMBY] GMAP
Reckless 15th Street Excavation Forces Evac [Brownstoner]

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  1. The 4th story on 13th street looks like an abortion; I’ve seen it several times from a friend’s roof. These ass clowns built it just far back enough to be invisible from the street. Jack and Enzo LoCiciero are low-class scumbags who are only after a buck for themselves so they can built tacky guido-style places for themselves in Dyker Heights.

  2. Checked up on 347 13th St. City Wide was the LLC and a little diggin’ leads us to so fellow LoCiceros, I assume family.

    Basic reason they got away with the illegal additions in a freeking R6B zone was that DOB could never “gain access” to the work site. Which is TOATL BS and par for the course.

    Which reminds me, the Brooklyn City Council Task Force meeting is next Monday, 10/23/06. Come out and voice your concerns about DOB. Constructive criticism, hopefully (pun intended). I will do my normal rant on “lack of enforcement capabilities.”

    Monday, Oct. 23 at 7PM at PS207
    4011 Fillmore Street (between Kimball and Coleman Streets) in the Madison Marine area of the Boro.

    No pre-registration is needed to speak–just attend with two copies of your statement and sign up. Since the session ends at 9PM, many will not get a chance and statements will be limited to three minutes.

  3. Jack LoCicero is a cretin who illegally built a 9-storey turd on 22nd street bet. 5th and 6th. in south slope, amongst 2 and 3 storey homes. The Village Voice did a big piece on this guy more than a year ago, but nothing happened. In the article he was exposed for violating zoning laws big time by lying on the building permit applications, but basically said to the reporter “I take the 5th!”

    Brooklyn development is shifty and unregulated, and the City of New York doesn’t care. If they did, then LoCicero would have to remove 5 or 6 storeys from his 22nd street “development.”

    Hey Marty Markowitz? Where are you? Jennifer Givner, the mouthpiece of the DOB? What gives? I remember the Village Voice article said that the DOB was “at a loss” to explain how permits were issued for 22nd street. Mayor Bloomberg? Do you care about cleaning up corruption in New York City? Is anyone out there interested in stopping someone from leaving a wake of damage everywhere he plys his “trade”?

  4. I’ll just stick to my “scumbag” comment. While I know of his other lovely building on 22nd St. (btwn 5th/6th Aves), which gee, also has 3 or 4 stories to many, I did not know of 347 13th St.

    DisIsNoGood, do tell…

  5. i happen to know jack locicero , i know his brother better. while i’m not great friends with either (his brother is always nice to me). its one thing to call him a scumbag for skirting dob regulations (they make it so easy) but i would say there i’m pretty sure they are not mafia. its kind of a bold unsubstationed accusation don’t you think.

  6. Um, this is the same guy who illegally built a 4th story on his 3rd story building at 347 13th street, without a permit.

    I complained, filed paperwork, nothing EVER happened.

    BTW, this guy is in the mafia.

  7. So, when they are not trashing people’s foundations with their pile driving, “playing” with crack monitors on one of the damaged buildings (rumored) or generally killing the quality of life on 15th/16th Sts, these fine upstanding citizens are murdering NYC street trees.

    What’s it going to take to shut these scumbags down? hello, DOB? NYPD? NYC Parks?

