There have been a couple developments on Gowanus’s nascent hotel row, President Street between 3rd and 4th avenues. First off, the DOB issued a new building permit for a four-story hotel on the corner of 3rd Avenue, above. This one is rumored to be an economy chain with 50-some-odd rooms. Second, SAI Hospitality closed on its purchase of 561 President for $6.2 million, according to public records. The warehouse is one of two on the block that SAI plans to demolish and replace with high-end hotels. If all the hotels get built, there’ll be almost 300 new rooms on a single Gowanus block. Sort of boggles the mind, no?
Developer Plans Two Hotels on One Gowanus Block [Brownstoner] GMAP
Another Gowanus Hotel Takes Shape [Brownstoner]

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  1. I was curious so I just checked the Hotel Le Bleu website. The web promotional rate for January 21st is $167. (I picked that day out of a hat.) That is quite a drop from the initial announced rates. I do agree that Brooklyn could use more hotels, but it does seem that expecting to book 300 plus rooms at a Gowanus hotel was reaching a bit…

  2. I really hope that this hotel fails.

    I hate yuppies.

    Brooklyn used to be so cool.

    I miss the crackheads and crime rate.

    I long for days of 2000+ murders.

    Dinkins was our best mayor.

    Rent control every NYC apartment.

    I went to art school and deserve free housing.

    Crown Heights is safe.

  3. Hotel le Doom’s rates dropped from over $400 before opening to about $219 now.

    The place still appears largely deserted. Even over the holidays it looked pretty empty.

    Hotels are needed, but the luxury route is the wrong way to go in this area.

  4. phooey, 2:20.

    the hotels currently down in this area are doing better than anyone expected. except probably the people who own them.

    holiday inn is always sold out, comfort inn as well and hotel le bleu is doing quite well.

    there is certainly more of a demand.

    you are quite thick-headed.

  5. No I don’t think that the Comfort Inn or Holiday Inn are currently “catering” to an hourly clientèle (but if you think that these motels arent doing a brisk business with cheating spouses then you are naive).

    However the issue is that this new un-needed, and heretofore undisclosed “Economy chain” will become more of a ‘hot sheet’ spot then a tourist destination (see Red Hook Motel) and the irony that the groups that claim the end of the world with every new building over 6 stories are absolutely silent on this real possibility.

  6. 12:13, you are right. For some reason, I was thinking of hotels around JFK, as it pertains to something I’m working on at the moment.

    Still though, it’s a different market. That was my point.

  7. obviously you don’t know the gowanus area very well, 12:42.

    there are MORE than enough vacant lots and warehouses to go around.

    if you think you’re so smart, how bout you buy the lots and build something better.

    i personally think the condos (which are already being built along 4th), restaurants and bars opening up all along 4th and these new hotels along with artist space is making for quite a nice developing and increasingly vibrant area.

    you clearly never saw that area 5-10 years ago.

    i’m guessing you just moved to nyc.

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