Adams Street between Willoughby and Tillary has a notoriously bad track record in terms of illegal parking and bicycle lane infringement (as the two posts we’ve done on it attest). So we were happy to see some incremental improvement as we pedaled our way north on the downtown thoroughfare. First observation: The Marriott deserves big props for keeping the bike lane in front of the hotel completely free and clear of livery cabs (top photo); too bad they don’t have any control over the police and court workers who use the other side of the utility road as their personal garage. (Though there is one rogue parker the hotel could do something about—click through to see.) No such praise is merited in the block closest to Tillary, however: As you can see from the lower photo, this was jam-packed with parkers on both sides. Sigh.
Adams Street Bike Lane Shenanigans Continue [Brownstoner]
No Love for the Adams Street Bike Lane [Brownstoner]


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  1. Kensch, you can ride through Metrotech. It’s legal and safe.

    From DeKalb, I recommend turning right on Ashland, then left on Myrtle, straight through Metrotech, right on Jay, immediate left on Johnson, right on Adams, to the bridge.

  2. I bike almost daily from Ft. Greene over the Brooklyn Bridge with my daughter to take her to school in lower Manhattan. Downtown Brooklyn is horrific to bike through. We take DeKalb to Flatbush and then the bike lane ends. From there to the Brooklyn Bridge is a free for all. Unconscionable!

    From DekKalb we weave our way to Wiloughby where we get trapped either by construction on Willoughby or have to weave our way through planters blocking our way to get through to cross Metrotech (thanks for the ineffectual anti-terrorist planters good neighbor Ratner!), finally making our way to Adams.

    Put a bike lane on Wiloughby or better yet through Metrotech. Reinstate the bike lane at that absurd plaza on Adams and Wiloughby! The most frustrating irony and insult are those bike “sculptures” blocking a real bike lane at Adams and Willoughby.

  3. @billyboomer:

    If you are driving into Brooklyn on the Manhattan bridge, provided you are taking the outer roadway, you can:

    1) Take the second exit ( a nicely hidden exit before Tillary that puts you at a light on Jay St ).
    2) Left Onto Jay
    3) Left Onto Tillary

  4. The bike lane is basically a dedicated parking lane. So there’s only one other place to ride a bike: in the street. Like, right in the middle of it. And reeeeaal slooooww… for some strange reason my legs always get real tired when I hit that stretch. I wouldn’t like to be driving a car behind me during those times… poor fat, lazy drivers…

  5. I agree billyboomer, it is hard to make connecting bike lanes from street to street. I know many people that are hesitant about biking because they don’t feel safe. DOT is heading in the right direction and I like forward to more bike-friendly initiatives.

  6. Driving down adams street toward the brookly bridge is screwed up again by the DOT. You cannot turn left onto tillary you are forced to go onto the bridge. You cannot turn right either because you are not in the right turn lane(which is cut off by a divider that starts all the way back at the Marriot. This is so idiotic. Another screwy thing by the DOT that has been going on for a long time, if you are driving into Brooklyn from the Manhattan Bridge and stay in the lanes that feed onto flatbush you cannot take a left at Tillary and get right onto the BQE in front of the Fire Station instead you are forced to drive to Mrytle and make a left turn and back track to the BQE it is so stupid. AND if makes more of a traffic mess at Mrytle right in front of the TOREN.. Ha ha so much for a quiet night in your fancy pants little condo at the Toren. SUCKERS.