Another data point for the resurgence of Southeastern Clinton Hill: A new creperie called Mago has just opened at 466 Grand Avenue, basically kitty-corner from the recently opened Fulton Grand Bar. Has anyone tried it yet? Hopefully it will fare better than the previous tenant, Brown Betty. GMAP

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  1. “kitty corner” i love that you used that… growing up it was always called “catty corner”. it may have been a jersey thing, or a really dumb family thing, who knows.. but i havent heard that term used in a quite a while..


  2. We checked out the Fulton Grand on Sunday afternoon. It’s nice, not swanky or anything, just a low key neighborhood bar. Pleasant atmosphere. I’m genuinely glad it was the 4th Ave pub people who opened a bar there. They do a good job.

    I’ll try the creperie after a few drinks at the FG and do what I always do when I order crepes which is to call the waiter over and say in a really heavy fake french accent, “But waiter! My food, it tastes like crepe!”