Last night developer William Stein presented revamped plans for 360 Smith Street, a project that’s played a big role in prompting activists to call for a 50-foot building height in all of Carroll Gardens. Although Stein still intends to build a 70-foot building, he announced that he’d parted ways with architect Robert Scarano and replaced him with Armand Quadrini of KSQ Architects (the Scarano separation was amicable, according to Stein). Stein said he believes the new plans achieve a balance that truly reflects what all of us want. Then came the renderings. The 49-unit condo is now being dubbed The Oliver House (after Stein’s late father), and Quadrini, who was in attendance and explained how they tried to come up with a contextual design, said it’s supposed to look like three buildings put together. As rendered above and on the jump, two of those buildings are brownstone-esque, and the third is tall and glassy, with no setbacks. While there seemed to be general consensus among the 70-some-odd attendees that the new design was loads better than prior attempts (some called the last plans a bit South Beach), many community members dissed the glass section slated for the corner of the building. This piece of glass just looks like sort of medical building, one person remarked. Stein repeatedly said that he wasn’t deaf to the criticisms about the glass section, and Quadrini emphasized that the designs for the building weren’t final. No word on when construction will actually begin.
The New 360 Smith Street: Better, Except For That Glass Tower! [PMFA]
Scarano Booted From Heavy Metal Job [GL]
Scarano Booted from Smith Street ‘Heavy Metal’ Job [Curbed]
Heavy Metal Architect Axed [NY Post]
360 Smith Developer Tries to Appease Carroll Gardens [Brownstoner]
Calls for Reining in Development at Carroll Gardens Meeting [Brownstoner] GMAP
360 Smith: Update and Review of New Plans [Brownstoner]


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  1. I find it incredibly annoying that people pass up perfectly fine other neighborhoods, insist on buying somewhere on the F line, then start whining about their commute and insisting the F line be improved before any other line in Brooklyn when there’s no reason why and the F is not as crowded as other trains. SO SO SO entitled.

    If you want a faster commute, don’t buy on the F! And if you do, just DEAL. It was your choice to buy where you did.

    The 2/3 line is so crowded many times I have had to stand there and wait for one, two, three trains to arrive before being able to squeeze myself on board. It’s awful.

  2. Thank you guest 3:31 for finally pointing out the truth about the F and G capacity utilization. They are in the lower quintile of crowded trains in NYC. Still, the same politicians who shill for downzoning actually want to expand service on the F and G because they are so overcrowded. I’m for expanding the entire mass transit system but that won’t happen without big capital dollars, and lots of future customers. Customers that down-zoning will rob and mortgage recording tax dollars that will be capped by the same downzoning.

    Face it the NIMBYs really don’t need any stinking facts about mass transit, taxes, rents or property values. Just keep the new people out. Oh yeah, screw the factories too, forget about that “context” in this neighborhood.

  3. I like it. They tried to do something the unimaginative cheapo Scarano never does, which is mix up the materials a bit. There’s so much more to do in that regard than we’ve seen from many of these architects. An all-brick or stone tall building is utterly cost prohibitive. I’m not even an engineer and I know THAT. Where’s the big mystery coming from when you guys question the glass/steel elements? It’s better for building tall buildings, that’s all. Try building a cast-iron or limestone-clad tall building in the year 2008, see how far you go with that proposal. As for context and height, you will never ever ever convince the city of New York to not build tall buildings anywhere in Brooklyn. Just accept the best places they should go, proximity to mass transit and the larger commercial streets being the most logical choice, and protect the rest of Brooklyn that does merit the protection.

  4. “that’s a pretty revealing comment. it’s about “pride,” eh? god forbid that the brownstones should feel inadequate compared to a slightly taller neighbor down the street.”

    Its about good architectural choices. You have a building that is already out of context with its neighboring buildings and twice as big as anything on the block. Don’t you think that architect might want to try to aesthetically minimize feel of its scale so that it fits in better. Having the building stand proud makes it stick out that much more, takes away that much more light on the southern side of the building, which is where most of the light comes into these buildings. Not pride. Bad choices.

  5. The transit system is, indeed, operating at capacity as has been publicized in only the last 2-3 months. In fact, as the system currently exists, the transit authority admits its capacity cannot be increased. It would require the influx of billions of dollars for improvements and, more importantly, expansions, and that’s not going to happen any time soon given the dire circumstances of the authority’s budget.

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