When several blogs (including this one) ran with a titillating rendering of the tower that Forest City Ratner and City Tech are planning to build at the corner of Tillary and Jay Streets in Downtown Brooklyn last week, a spokesman for the school protested that the rendering was out of date, something that DBP’s Joe Chan echoed. Blogger McBrooklyn has dug up a more current rendering of the Renzo Piano-designed project from the City Tech website today. It’s a less vivid potrayal, but it doesn’t look all that different to us in terms of scale or design. What do you think?
Klitgord’s Climax: 1,000 Vertical Feet [Brownstoner] GMAP
You Compare: City Tech ‘Old Model’ to City Tech ‘Today Model’ [McBrooklyn]

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  1. The old has been NIMBYs and the community boards and the council members do not want anything to be taller than the WSB. Does that make sense? Placing a limit on building heights and than at the same time complaining about the number of buildings that need to be built to accomodate the lost square footage from chopping the original buildings height by half.

    NIMBYs are costing all Brooklynites money. Lost jobs, lost tax revenue for schools, city services, park upkeep, road maintance and etc..

  2. i think they should re-open the myrtle promenade to traffic to better reconnect the downtown/heights neighborhoods with fort greene. pedestrians and shopping / services would follow. as for the building here, i am indifferent.

  3. 1:27
    you don’t make any sense. I’m so confused. Is Furee the nimby? Are the parents at the high school the nimby? Who exactly is it that you hate? Do you know what Nimby means?
    Do you ever do anything other than post on Brownstoner? Someone who only sits and judges every single group or person and does nothing ( you) is pretty much a Nimby.


  4. The 2nd rendering doesn’t look as impressive since it is a straight-on shot as opposed to the 1st rendering that has a 3D perspective due to the angle of the view.

    To be honest, I’ll be happy with either one of these. The Downtown Brooklyn’s buildings for the most part have that stout, stump tree look going. Especially the Metro-Tech buildings with the very large foot print that looks as if the building’s height was cut in half. The slender (or more slender than the rest) building would look pretty good.

    Please build.

  5. Tell me you’ve made a mistake! The first rendering (which I called “the yellow harmonica”) looked amazing! This new drawing looks awful; boring, tired, pedestrian. ho hum.

    Wow – they made a huge mistake rejecting the first one. Fools.

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