Prolific Brooklyn photographer Sam Horine aka f.trainer posted this photo to Flickr recently of the Comfort Inn that has been so ungraciously dumped in our midst by the style hounds at McSam Hotel LLC who are also responsible for bringing us that other vision of loveliness, the Gowanus Holiday Inn Express . That “Coming Soon” sign has appeared at some point since Gowanus Lounge paid a visit to the site two weeks ago. As Mr. Horine notes in his Flickr post, though, this is a bit of a challenging location:

Across the street, there are two motorcycle clubs. in the back, the hotel faces the wyckoff housing complex and at the end of the block there is an abandoned school.

What do you think? Is this the best we could have expected for this location? Should we just count ourselves lucky to have a cheap place to stash the relatives and move on?
Comfort, Gowanus Style [Flickr] GMAP

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  1. I stayed here through Priceline, paid $68 and its actually a pretty nice property although the rooms are really small. Standard rates are about $140 and during periods of high occupancy, I’ve seen $300 rates on the Comfort Inn site. Its not the Marriott, but then its also not $400. The target market? Folks like me who can’t stomach the thought of paying $350 and up for a Hampton Inn or Holiday Inn Express in Manhattan….something like you Brownstoners who can’t stomach paying $1MM for a 2 Br apartment in the Village. Parking runs about $30. Several guests were from the UK as evidenced by their baggage, filled to bursting with goods bought with cheap $$, departing for JFK. The bagels stink here, formerly-frozen from Sysco.

  2. I just booked this Comfort Inn on Priceline for $65….at that price, unless I get mugged between there and the subway, it’s money well spent. Brand new bed, includes breakfast, I’m only gonna be there for shag & shuteye, and then off to the city for some tourism.

  3. Maybe…..and I say maybe… (not a fact) they will use some of the rooms in the Comfort Inn to house homeless familes from the shelter system on a temp. basis. I know of a few hotel/motels in the Bronx and Queens that already do that. And the city pays a good sum of money per night.

  4. Bid on Priceline, I’ve got Exchange Hotel on Wall Street for $83, Marriott east side on Lex for $120. This is when there websites were saying $300+ for a room, priceline, priceline, priceline

  5. stacy, what hotel in NYC or Brooklyn is “cheap?”

    Have you looked at prices lately?

    Go ahead and see what Marriott’s chargin’ these days.

    Hint: it ain’t anything near as cheap as what Anon 3:17p stayed there for, even if you search all the way into 2008.

    Honestly, can anyone find anything under $200 these days that isn’t utterly disgusting?

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