Although the DOB is still showing a partial SWO on the property, a reader sent in photographs of some sort of work happening at the trouble-plagued 23 Caton, noting, “Lights have been put up on all floors. And today there is a crane there apparently removing odds and ends prior to someone coming in and finishing the building.” The would-be condo has been stalled for about two years.
At Last, Cleaning Up 23 Caton Avenue [Brownstoner]
Trying to Make Lemonade of Lemons at 23 Caton [Brownstoner]
The Decline and Fall of 23 Caton Place [Brownstoner]
Little Progress on 23 Caton Place [Brownstoner] GMAP
Bank Sues Caton Place Developer [Brownstoner] DOB
Work Stops at Caton Place Condos [Brownstoner]
At 23 Caton Place, Laborers Labor on Labor Day [Brownstoner]

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  1. Man, do I feel sorry for my neighbors who must endure proximity to this monument to greed and incompetence. The names, faces and home phone numbers of the guilty parties should be plastered across the hulk by an enterprising guerilla street artist…

  2. They’re just cleaning up the worksite, which was a damn mess for over a year. The developer was so lax and overconfident – should have beat the market but missed it because of stop work orders for things like his sprinkler plans not being filed and messy worksite and possibly labor violations (but not sure on that one).

    I’d love to see someone complete the damn thing but I imagine it’ll take forever to unwind the paperwork since Corus got sold, the developer is bankrupt, and so is the hedge fund mezzanine lender.

    I say turn it into a bat habitat and sell the guano for fertilizer and use the profits to make a nice community garden across the street and on Caton at the other giant lot. And also buy a robot to clean the horse poop off the streets and bike lanes

  3. Based on an Emergency Declaration, HPD was assigned to fix unsafe conditions, and their contractor got permits in December to fix fencing, remove debris and undertake other remedial safety work. The crane is probably part of that work. The lights on the floor have actually be on for months, and there has been a radio playing somewhere inside, so it’s possible that squatters have lived there. The owner has gone bust and the site is in receivership. Quite a mess and a blight on the neighborhood!