HOLY COW! Gowanus Lounge has scored a tremendous scoop by unearthing the “scoping document” Toll Brothers filed with the Department of City Planning for its planned development between the Gowanus Canal, Bond Street, Carroll Street and Second Street. The firm is certainly not thinking small: Toll wants to build a 605,380-square-foot development with 577 units of housing (130 of them affordable), 2,000 square feet of “community space,” and 2,000 square feet of retail. The buildings would be 4-12 stories tall. City Planning is going to hold a public scoping meeting on the project early next month. Toll Brothers has been looking to get a jump on the larger rezoning of Gowanus in order to move forward with the development, which it says it could complete by 2011.
The Starting Bell: Toll Brothers Reveal Gowanus Plans [Gowanus Lounge]
Toll Brothers Big Gowanus Project Revealed [Curbed]
Rendering from Gowanus Lounge.

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  1. Yeah 9:31 That makes alot of sense – “Dont tell me all of the real and possible bad things that could happen in my life so I can enjoy my friction free daze of a life.”

    Any atempt to alert others of possible danger or reality means you must have a pole up your ass. Real good one….

  2. 6:36 – Your comment is asinine. I am just giving you tibits of what I know from various insurance related studies and worst case scenarios. Do you think the people in NOLA would have fared a bit better with this info? Maybe when the storm is coming someone will remeber what I am saying and take the evacuation order seriously and not drown.

    “thanks for nothin’, 5:50” Your welcome idiot, I prefer to go through life without a blindfold on – I guess you dont.

  3. man, what is the point? time to take my car, climb mount washington and wait for the frickin’ apocalypse. thanks for nothin’, 5:50!

  4. I work in the insurance field – The Gowanus is defiantely ripe for major flooding event. I am talking serious toxic sewage waste flooding Al La New Orleans.

    If you live within 3-4 blocks of the canal and are less than 15 feet above sea level, you stand a very good chance of being underwater with even a strong CAT 1 Hurricane. A Cat 2 or 3 would put most of the area in the Gowanus neighborhood and alot of CG,and Boreum Hill underwater. Anything stronger (Yes it is possible and if history is any lesson, definate at some point) would turn much of South Brooklyn into the largest natural aquarium on the planet. Next to lower manhattan of course which would be under 10 feet or more of water up to Canal and even Houston Street.

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