vermeilrender030607.jpgWhen we checked in with The Vermeil almost two months ago, the sales effort had just gotten underway. We forgot to look last time we drove by, but one reader reported that the developer was in the process of putting a cornice on (as the rendering at right suggests). So what’s happenedon the sales front in the last seven weeks? Not a whole heck of a lot, as far as we can tell. Of the 22 apartments (which range from $985,000 to $2,300,000), there are two accepted offers and one signed contract. Interestingly, the first ones to go have been among the biggest and most expensive, a sign, perhaps, of the demand for family-sized accommodations in this part of town. Presumably, a few of you have been to check it out for yourselves by now. What’d you think?
About The Vermeil [The Vermeil] GMAP
Sandy Biano’s Listings [Brown Harris Stevens]

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  1. we stopped by the open house. what turned me off were the brokers. completely unprofessional lot. it was like we had walked in on their party. they just grunted something about signing in. no offer to show us around. maybe they thought we couldn’t afford it (we can) but their attitude didn’t make me interested. newsflash to the brokers: if you are selling million dollar homes, you should probably introduce yourself. oh, and at least seem happy someone showed up at your open house (we were the only people there.)

  2. “You should be Happy that the prices are high, it will only increase the value of whatever you own, (If you Own anything at all, or are you just a no- job, nosy-body blogger with nothing else better to do)”

    while i do own a couple blocks from here (thus how i know nothing is being done…see also next door neighbors post above of drunken shoddy workers) i do not think charging 2.3 million for a piece of shit is good for the neighborhood. nor am i any happier to see the neighborhood become any less diverse with such ludicrous prices per square foot for what really is an ok area of park slope. i’d be just as happy seeing that place as a homeless shelter. and by the look of it from the outside, it’s not too far off.

    you still didn’t answer how you seem to think 6 of these are sold, when it very clearly states on the vermeil website that 2 have offers, and 1 are in contract. maybe you guys can update the site, then??

  3. “OR are you another broker looking to cause trouble”

    LOLOLOL you just outed yourself as a broker “honey!!” ANOTHER broker?????
    i’m not a broker at all.

    maybe try proofreading next time idiot.

    oh, and i do know who i’m talking to. a real C U Next Tuesday!

  4. As for the “Uhhh” comment, I have lived in this neighborhood for over 20 years.. I have seen it no, dillusional no.
    You should be Happy that the prices are high, it will only increase the value of whatever you own, (If you Own anything at all, or are you just a no- job, nosy-body blogger with nothing else better to do) And how do you know that the prices haven’t been negotiated.. OR are you another broker looking to cause trouble.. Honey, you don’t know who you’re talking to. Piss ant.

  5. anon March 7. You must be definitely the broker!!!
    I am the next dor neighbor to the Vermeil and by back yard is next to the construction. This building is being built so slowly a caveman would build it faster. There are 4 to 6 construction workers there on a daily basis. Every night I find empty rum and vodka bottles in my back yard, the cheap kind. Half of my backyard was destroyed over the last summer because the do not have a protective nets or anything for that matter. I tried to resolves this in a friendly manner for about 6 months. They promise but no follow up. We had to go to court and they paid. From my backyard I can see the shabby work they do especially with the internal piping that will eventual be covered by drywall. Also asked them how many times they moved the windows, place size. Paying 2.3MM for an apartment there when you can get a Brownstone for the same amount is crazy. The apartment in contract must been held by the developer himself as a marketing stunt.

  6. uhhhh….could your response be any more transparent. you are either the broker or dillusional.

    no one is making stuff up but you. if you look at their website it says that two offers have been accepted and one contract signed. not sure where you are coming up with 6. and you clearly don’t know what you are talking about because that building has had absolutely nada done to it in the last 2 months.

    next time you make shit up, do a little research first so you don’t seem like such a boob.

    oh yeah, and only click on the post button once.

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