Only two weeks after commenters made a stink about the asking price ($2.5 million) at 87A Guernsey Street, a Greenpoint townhouse hit public records for $2.25 million. That’s the largest residential sale ever recorded in the neighborhood, followed by a penthouse at 61 Green Street that sold for $1.32 million. 143 Kent Street, a former parish house with a decidedly historic vibe, was asking $2.65 million in April of 2011. The listing remained on the market at the same price until this June. Of course, this is a landmarked townhouse and 87A Guernsey is a top-to-bottom modern reno. Think the comparison is apples to oranges, or might this sale mean bigger numbers for Greenpoint homes?
House of the Day: 143 Kent Street [Brownstoner] GMAP

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