When 204 Clermont was listed with Roslyn Huebener last year, we were surprised at how it failed to attract any interest; based on the photos at the time, it looked like a great house. Now that Brooklyn Properties has the listing, however, and has posted some photos with some less flattering angles, it makes better sense why the three-family house has had to drop its asking price from $2,500,000 to the current $1,650,000: It has nice bones but the layout is totally random. We’ve included a fairly flattering shot above, but click through to the listing and check out the placement of that kitchen island on the parlor floor. Can you say “value destruction”? Someone should buy this as a two-family and just rip that parlor kitchen out.
204 Clermont Avenue [Brooklyn Properties] GMAP P*Shark
House of the Day: 204 Clermont Avenue [Brownstoner]

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. BGreene: almost done it all, except a Bubble Bath Party Space.
    I’ve already started looking at bubble making machines.

  2. “I feel you should very strongly dissuade comments like the one from “Return of The What” (by the way, not the same person as ye olde original The What). Personal attacks like this on people who use their names for full disclosure is, frankly, unacceptable.”

    Hey BrooklynGreene long time no talk. I see you got the lights back on and yes this is your old homeboy The What. There is something funny going on– The Asshats of the past is coming back. Plus if I use foul language the webpage will flag me and those comments wont show up. That’s why I a little softer LMMFAO.

    Now tell me where can you get financing for this house??? Someone please run the metrics!

    The What (Maybe Michelle Obama might be interested)

    Someday this war is gonna end…

  3. BHO, yes, “The Wedge”…I’ll have to admit that that IS funny.

    Willoughby is rather quiet, which I like…but that may be a double-edged sword. Even though the G train rumbling underground makes me think we live in California, I have to say I do, indeed, appreciate that we’re “closer to things”, meaning, the A/C, Atlantic-Pacific-LIRR station…and even the G at Fulton…Fulton shopping, walking to Park Slope, and, gasp, Target…not to mention BAM.

    Not that the house listed today is so far off the beaten track, and I’m sure the extra distance up to Clermont and across to Willoughby would do me good and I’d get used to it, but I kind of like the busier are of Fort Greene.

    I used to think a garage would be wonderful but lately (is it the economic downturn) parking has been easier than ever! I wonder if people are getting laid off and so no longer use Fort Greene as their Park’n’Ride for the convenient subways…or maybe the recent kids in the neighborhood have got rid of their second Volvo…just kidding…sort of.

    I think I much prefer having a garden to having a garage but the convenience having the car right there be nice.

  4. “Bldg: 20×45 Lot: 22.42×84”

    Liar liar pants on fire. This is a trapezoid brownstone with the a narrow ass back end. Yeah, garage but no back yard.

    If AM Luxe (Anthony Morris and Abdul Muid of Corcoran) had this listing, they’d call it “The Wedge”.

    ***Bid half off peak comps***

  5. BrooklynGreene,

    I’d be most pleased to join your Team Princess.

    We are “looking” (to put it judiciously given we pulled our apartment at the end of the summer after a few bites, but very little traffic) at very specific places in Ft. Greene and in the North Slope.

    I think we’ve given up Cobble Hill, Boerum Hill and Carroll Gardens, though Brooklyn Heights remains a possibility.

    Anything within walking distance to a Q is ideal, and of course, we just love certain streets. We fell in love with the “heart of Ft. Greene” to use an overused expression, and we really love most of the named North Slope streets.

    Oh. My little one just awoke. More later.

  6. “I think they’ll find a buyer near this price”. Hey Shah do you really think so? Its been at this price since before the financial turmoil so highly doubt it will move without a significant “hair cut”.

  7. I don’t think I quite understand the Willy Wonka reference by the way. The interior is not that terribly painted up. When I clicked and looked at the real estate page, I was preparing myself for purple and pink rooms.

  8. Jonathan Brownstoner,

    I feel you should very strongly dissuade comments like the one from “Return of The What” (by the way, not the same person as ye olde original The What). Personal attacks like this on people who use their names for full disclosure is, frankly, unacceptable.

    On another note, I think we should have a Team Princess!
    Who wants to join? Nokilissa? Me? BG Girl?

    Tell me where are you looking at houses in Fort Greene for $1.6 million and thereabouts? I have to say, our estimated market value from the city on the recent statement had me a little floored (considering the $350,000 jump) but I keep thinking these prices are imaginary considering whats “going on out there”, no? Since you’re still looking, and, it appears, a much more level-headed than certain quite vocal people who are looking “but sitting on the sidelines waiting for huge drops”, I would love your input.

    Since you’re the architect (interior only or do you do it all?), you still have to design that bubble bath rental space for our great new can’t-fail business plan. I saw a space in the Village where a catering company had folded–maybe it moved…it had been there for a long time. Your work can be sweat equity…hahahaha…anyway, really, the bubble bath thing still makes me laugh.

  9. I went to an open house for this when it was $1.85. The pictures really just don’t convey how poorly laid out this place is. Additionally, the rooms are all tiny – it’s like going to an exhibit at an Old West/Pioneers museum and seeing how the settlers lived. Oh, and another open house visitor almost killed herself when she wiped out going down the stairs to the ground floor’s warren of rooms.

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