Atlantic Terrace, the 80-unit affordable housing development east of the Atlantic Center Mall, has launched sales of the market-rate units. (It’s listed as 212 South Oxford Street.) Corcoran has listed 20 one-, two- and three-bedrooms ranging from $365,000 to $1,095,000. (The 60 below market units were priced around $84,423 to $325,302 according to the application [PDF]. A broker tells us all 60 below market rate units are on the way to being in contract.) The high ceilings and big windows shown in the listings are a nice touch, fancier than we would have expected from this place. What do you think?

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  1. Be VERY careful in dealing with this building. They’re showing it and taking offers, but presenting move-in dates without actually knowing when you’d be able to actually take possession. The listing agents, Phil and Andrew, don’t seem to know what’s going on with the building and are just giving out misinformation … wasting peoples’ time.

  2. Considering the downsides of living on Atlantic, I thought these would be a little cheaper. They look fine, but priced a little aggressively.

  3. Living directly opposite a huge construction site for years, and then an arena (horrible noise when in use; desolate and unsafe when not)? Terrible location.

  4. There’s a reasoning why this Coop is cheaper than most, and that’s because it’s on Atlantic Ave with all the noise / car pollution. Although I will have to say the amenities nearby and proximity to major stores/trains are definitely a plus.

  5. So affordable = $97-115K income gets you a 3bdr for $325K + $882 maint. Family size, 3-6 people.

    For NYC, that doesn’t sound too far off, what do y’all think?

    I assume, there’s rules in place to keep single people making six figures from buying themselves a dirt cheap 3bdr – I hope.