houseBedford Stuyvesant
404 Hancock Street
Sunday 12-2
GMAP P*Shark

houseBedford Stuyvesant
263 Stuyvesant Avenue
Douglas Elliman
Sunday 12-2
GMAP P*Shark

houseBedford Stuyvesant
250 Monroe Street
Sunday 12-2
GMAP P*Shark

houseBedford Stuyvesant
238 Monroe Street
Century 21
By Appointment
GMAP P*Shark

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  1. Went to 263 Stuy open house yesterday. Some gorgeous original cherry wood details on the parlor floor. However, there are 4 sad little studio apartments on the top two floors.

    The brokers are hoping the potential rentals will appeal to buyers. Who wants four tenants, especially in such close quarters? Not sexy.

  2. Every listing that Keith Mack has had in Bed-Stuy, he’s listed at or above $1MM. A couple of them were HOTD last year on Hancock. They eventually moved for about $900K. So I guess there’s a method to his madness. Everyone complained about how crazy his price was for Bed-Stuy.

    Since we’re talking about Bed-Stuy, can someone please tell me what is it with the potato chip bags and half eaten chicken carcasses on the sidewalk? I’ve never had to sweep so often in my life.

    That said, I wouldn’t move if you paid me. I Love the Stuy and Putnam is a great, friendly, neighborly block. Some of the newer folks just have to learn that we say “hello” to everyone when we see them. Leave the Manhattan attitude on the Island!

    Oh.. and the Bed-Stuy Blog… Simply the BEST!!!

  3. Hello all and Dave in particular– Just wanted to chime in about the lack of / need for some good markets over here! I like the Food Town but it is still lacking a lot, and it’s a little far from where I just bought at MacDonough and Patchen. Fresh Direct does not deliver to 11233 at this point and who knows when they will. There are so many great little markets in other parts of Brooklyn. When do we get our share? Dave a while back you mentioned something similar and was wondering if anyone knew about anything opening up? If not I want to open one! Produce, meat and fish, prepared foods/deli counter, coffee, baked goods, household products…

  4. rf, I know your block, and it is a wonderful little piece of calm on a busy through street. I remember when Dr’s Cave opened, it really was the first coffee shop in the area. When I lived over near you, Thompkins was sooooo different. It was crack alley in the 80’s, and into the 90’s. The bodega on the corner of Jeff was constantly harrassed and used by the dealers. I remember when one of the Yemeni guys who worked there got beat up because he told a dealer to take his business outside. The laundromat, same location, very different owners, was the scariest thing you ever saw. We got a washing machine as soon as we could. The only place that is almost the same is the newstand/candy store. That man has been there since the dawn of time, and was the only person for miles who sold the NY Times. He was always a sweetheart, and his buddies were always polite. The pharmacy has been there forever, too. I never liked buying anything from behind plexiglass, but I can certainly understand why they had to do that.

    On the other side of Jeff, towards Putnam, there used to be a butcher shop, and lots of beauty parlors and bodegas. One could always see that these blocks must have been quite nice in their day, and the great glassed-in Victorian storefronts were always crying out to be restored. Wouldn’t you know it, the year I moved to Crown Heights, Ibo Landing and the antique stores opened, followed by the local rib joint turning into Brook Valley, and the arrival of the vet, and dog groomer, and other retail. I still have good friends on Jeff, and whenever I’m over there, I always drop in on Mohammed in the bodega, and I’m so glad most of the drugs, dealers and junkies are gone. I’m very happy to see that an area that was quite scary is now thriving and doing well. I’m sure some good businesses will eventually fill the Ibo Landing spaces.

  5. Montrosemorris,

    I live on Marcy between Jefferson and Putnam. I can attest to Jefferson between Nostrand and Tompkins, both lovely, lovely blocks. (My daughter and I walk on one on our way to the subway and the other on the way to the laundromat.) I especially like the block between Marcy and Tompkins. THe houses are all in great shape, and there seems to be a very nice vibe between new residents and old. My daughter is 12 and was a little old to get involved with kids on the block, but if she were still in elementary school, I would be very happy to send her around the corner to play, as I did on our block in Clinton Hill.

    Hancock is just as nice on the same blocks. Putnam is a little less low-scale residential–the block between Nostrand and Marcy has a building that’s part of the Louis Armstrong projects and my daughter won’t walk there alone because she overheard people talking about guns. The eastern part of the block opposite the old Boy’s High School is very nice. The block between Marcy and Tompkins has smaller houses, plus some buildings (a nursing home, I think?) owned by Concord Baptist Church. Although the block is not as stately, I like it a lot.

    The commercial strip on Tompkins between Putnam and Halsey is recently diminished by the loss of some of the stores, but there are still a couple of old furniture/antiques places, a nice coffee shop (Common Grounds), a yummy full-service restaurant (Brook Valley), a pharmacy, a hardware store, a vet and a dog groomer. And of course the laundromat, which is the great leveler of the social scene of the nabe.

  6. StuyMom, you must be on Hancock. Congratulations! The blocks of Hancock between Nostrand and Thompkins are 2 of my favorite blocks anywhere. I always used to go down Hancock to Nostrand to get to the subway in the morning, just to admire the views. I hope your landmarking comes soon, and these blocks, as well as the entire surrounding area, are protected forever.

  7. No Sleep:

    That’s a great point. I often wonder if the Changeling intentionally avoids featuring picks from bstoner or if she’s just getting scooped by him. I’m thrilled to see the stoner feature Bed Stuy in a significant way that allows for some informed discussion of our nabe.

    Amy & Morris: Clearly many blocks here can boast a similar cohesion and consistency that runs contrary to the many anti Bed Stuy/ race-baiting posts that we find here. I certainly can! (I’m near Tompkins, btw.) While I’m also thrilled this thread doesn’t contain the usual (for the most part) petty aggressions, I do wish it were taking place on BSB. Perhaps this is the reason for our relative silence. Amusing as the shit-talking here can be, how many parent/ homeowners care to enter into such a contentious fray? We live here, we’ve inherited great neighbors; we don’t like sweeping up the potato chips bags and wrappers every morning, but it’s a small price to pay for a long term vision that seems less prophetic and more prescient every month. This is a strong neighborhood and anyone who appreciates community more than speculation recognizes that.

    We’re here, bruh, shaking our heads at the naysayers and going about the business of enjoying our homes.

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