That’ll teach us to sit on a story! We’ve known for a couple of weeks that Barney’s Co-op was going to be taking the retail space at Two Trees-owned 194 Atlantic Avenue (next door to Trader Joe’s) but were persuaded to sit on the story until the lease was signed. Looks like that didn’t work out too well for us: Barney’s gave the story to WWD which ran it behind its pay wall yesterday and Racked picked it up. Nice guys finish last. Great news for this stretch of retail though! Anyone know what level of rent this got done at?
Barney’s Co-op Coming to Cobble Hill [Racked] GMAP
Barneys Co-op to Launch in Brooklyn [WWD – Sub.]

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  1. I love Barney’s. Only department store I’ve ever been in that was wall to wall black things I would wear and no Ellen Tracy or Liz Claiborne. But that was years ago. Now it’s more mainstream and expensive, but they still feature small and interesting designers, and the hand made jewelry is beautiful to ogle even if you would have to be Jacqui Getty to afford it. Years ago Barneys was a discount men’s suit retailer, and many New York men of a certain age recall making a special trip there to buy their first suit. The Warehouse Sale is still a big event for men’s suits.

  2. “but were persuaded to sit on the story until the lease was signed. Looks like that didn’t work out too well for us: Barney’s gave the story to WWD which ran it behind its pay wall yesterday and Racked picked it up.”

    Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

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