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  1. As an American, I find it disgusting that we are the ONLY developed country that lets our fellow countrymen exist without a basic level of protection against illness.

    As a fairly high income American family, we are MORE THAN WILLING to pay higher taxes so that my less fortunate, hard working American brothers and sisters are afforded health care. Yes, my brothers and sisters.

    Insert waving flag here.

    Is that conservative enuf for you?

    We cover the poor (who presumably can’t work but who knows), and we cover the elderly, but we don’t cover the guy driving a truck making 30k but he has three kids cuz he’s too conservative to abort!

    We don’t have the money to pay for the working people who for one reason or another do not have insurance, thru no fault of their own. But we can spend $9 billion dollars a month of borrowed money in Iraq. Cracks me up the way conservatives bitch about the high price of health care, but don’t say a damned thing about the ruinous Bush deficits.

    Meanwhile in a true fit of economic stupidity, the feds won’t cover abortion for poor people, forcing the states to, some of them, anyway. BUT Medicaid covers sex change operations, and, if you fill out enuf paperwork, will cover the reversal! And you guys are worried about Viagra?

    Anyone who thinks that the ‘private sector’ is providing efficient health insurance is frankly deluded. I could go into the reasons but I use my real name here, so it will have to wait. Suffice it to say that, as pointed out, we spend more for less outcome.

    I want all Americans to have basic health care for themselves and their families. Let’s get some real class warfare going for a change, not the kind the conservatives claim when they have to pay income tax that is less than half what it used to be.

    I used to be a free markets kind of guy, but after seeing two bubbles in ten years, and seeing the way the working man, and that includes the six figure working man, get f*cked over, I’m having a change of heart.

  2. Thanks CH! This is actually Kidney Stone II. I didn’t find out about KS I (in 2005) until I woke up one day in incredible pain and couldn’t urinate. I had been feeling a dull pain in my left side below the ribs and was going to the bathroom rather frequently.

    Over this summer all the same symptoms were there, except for the super-intense pain. I went to the urologist just to make sure, and lo, the CT scan showed a 7-mm stone. Luckily I caught it before it moved too far, because that’s when the pain strikes.

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