quotation-icon.jpgDuring the 19th C. the most notorious brothel in brooklyn heights was on the corner of Peirrepont and Henry in a magnificent mansion. It is now apts. It is one of my favorite houses in all of Brooklyn, every time I’m in the nabe I have to walk by. I imagine women of ill repute hanging out by the windows waiting for male callers. During that same time, Love Lane was used for illicit activity. So, this house on ‘Love Lane’ for $9,500 a month you better get some bang for your buck!

— by bayridgegirl in 43 Love Lane Now For Rent As Well

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  1. ‘BRG….please see my vanity quote above.’

    DIBS, do a re-write then.
    BRG….please see Twain’s vanity quote above.

    ‘my’, ‘my’, ‘my’
    DIBS, it’s not always about YOU….this one is about ME, ME, ME!!!!

  2. Thanks, Bxgrl…finally a post about the content of MY QOTD.

    MM, you should have posted earlier today. Even if you said ‘Shit, it’s cold out!’ the QOTD honor probably would have been yours today.

  3. Congratulations, BRG!

    Both of your quotes have been historical, and the reactions to this one, hysterical.

    We’ll all try this again tomorrow. The strive for greatness continues.

    C’mon Benson! Your time has come!

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