Most Brooklynites are familiar with what a mess it can be to take the Brooklyn Bridge exit from the southbound FDR drive. Well, State Senator Squadron just worked out a deal with State DOT to make some changes, including new painted lines and EXIT ONLY signs, by the end of the year. Think it’ll help?

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  1. I use the middle lane, with no intention of cutting, honest, but if I spot an opening, I zip in (sorry). If I don’t detect any opening I keep going south and make a legal u-turn at the Maritime Building and then head north and get on the bridge from the always empty northbound approach ramp.

  2. Squadron was against tolls on East River Bridges, but for Congestion Pricing, and the best solution he can come up with
    is some painted stripes and an ‘Exit Only’ sign?

    Congestion Pricing and Tolls will solve the FDR approach and BQE exit, because it will cut down on traffic. How many cars containing more than one person does anyone see crossing the bridge? Very few.

    Sparafucile: Ari Halberstam, not Ali.

  3. “Btw as a cutter – all you right-lane suckers can do all the blocking you want – despite your efforts it is usually very easy to cut in – all you have to do is find the last person that cut in and push yourself in front of them – it would be too hypocritical for that person to refuse your entry…..works every time.”

    Yep. I use that one all the time. Let’s see Bloomberg stop me from doing THIS! HA HA!

  4. Zgori, exactly right. Dotted line ok for most part, still feels a bit rude when the traffic is backed to the next bridge, and someones pushing in right near where the dotted line ends up front.

    And yes, keeping far left makes it harder for them to cut in, but you risk your car.

    When I had a POS car I was super agressive in keeping cutters out, especially cabbies, but with the new car, I just turn up the music, relax, and let people cut if they’re going to force the issue. Aint worth the aggravation.

  5. What rf said. I learned it from a car service guy a few years ago. If there is zero traffic on the FDR, it might be a tiny bit slower. Otherwise, it’s always faster (and quieter, and less aggravating).

  6. Agreeing cutting in is fair game on a dotted line, a major a@#hole maneuver once the line goes solid.
    I also think it is ok to turn on from the center lane on the Cadman exit, but there are sometimes cops there enforcing.
    My biggest beef in that area now are the stupid double decker tour buses.

  7. At rush hour and late evenings I ask my cabbies to get off at South Street. Adds four minutes or so if the traffic is clear but can save a half hour or more if it’s backed up.

    When I’m driving myself, I agree with the guy who said crossing a dotted line is fair game, crossing a solid one is not. Most important thing is to keep moving. It’s the drivers who manage to come to a stop blocking two lanes that drive me crazy. If you’re going to cut someone off, do it fast and make it painless — keep rolling until you get to the part where the cars are moving.

    Also, when in line, I try to stay to the very left of the lane. The geometry makes it harder for people to nudge in front.

  8. Sparafucile – While you will no doubt deny it – I can see that your hostility has much more to do with your animosity towards Orthodox Jews then to the renaming of a bridge ramp.

    But 1. Brian Watkins wasnt killed BECAUSE he was a mormon AND FYI there is a NYC Parks Tennis Courts named for him (and I think some sort of memorial at the US Open Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows).

  9. Stripes will do nothing. To fix the problem you need to make the off ramp 2-lanes. Right it’s that one lane pinch point that causes the backup.

    And North Hieghts is dead on about the cadman plaza exit on the other side too. Connect diectly to the BQE and get rid off one of the most annoying constant traffic backups in south brooklyn.

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