State of the City: $3.1 Billion Deficit
In his State of the City speech last night Mayor Bloomberg warned that this is likely to be a difficult year and announced belt-tightening measures in response to the Independent Budget Office’s projection that the city will see a $3.1 billion deficit in 2009. Bloomberg is ordering all city agency heads to cut their budgets…

In his State of the City speech last night Mayor Bloomberg warned that this is likely to be a difficult year and announced belt-tightening measures in response to the Independent Budget Office’s projection that the city will see a $3.1 billion deficit in 2009. Bloomberg is ordering all city agency heads to cut their budgets by 2.5 percent this year and 5 percent next year. Despite the predictions of economic woe, the mayor said the city would continue to offer the $400 property tax rebate and will roll out a few new services, including one that allows online access to 311. Bloomberg also noted that 2008 is the 130th anniversary of the death of Boss Tweed and said it was time to finally put to rest his style of politics.
Mayor Hails City’s Immigrants and Innovation [NY Times]
Mike Takes Baby Steps in City Plan [NY Post]
Photo from
9:52 best post. Privatize the MTA first. Retirement at 50 my a$$…
What Polemicist says is true. My country club has been OVERRUN recently by city employees, who come in with their briefcases full of cash and think that somehow they OWN the place now. Last night at dinner, one of them ostentatiously “made it rain” and they all laughed as those of us who are mere Wall Streeters scrambled after the bills like pigeons in Madison Square Park.
And not only do they flaunt their wealth at the club, I had the misfortune of attending a cocktail party at the home of a clerk at the Department of Buildings. More gold than midas, a re-creation of Krakatoa using black truffles and russian caviar, high priced hookers in every half bath and the list goes on!!!
The place must have been 7000 square feet of prime Park Avenue real estate. I was shocked that our city continues to fund these illiterate fucktards so that they can live so high on the hog. My suggestion: pay them minimum wage, with tips (they’re all surly, you know) and tell them to move to Ossining or the Poconos and commute.
cops and firefighters are in unions too, 9:20. say that to their face.
I think you’d be surprised how low salaries are for typical city employee. Even uniformed union employees make much less here in city than in surrounding areas.
Certainly they are not the ones affording all the new condos or buying brownstones that readers of this site are able to do.
9:20 Here –
Unions are the #1 reason our city budget is soooo high. NY is the most expensive state and highest taxed ditto for the city. Why is that – Big, abusive, extortionist, organized crime Unions.
Guess what the #2 most expensive state is? California – Also known for massive Unionocracy.
Every other state where unions are marginalized have lower taxes, and more efficient governments and employees.
Ever been to a city or state agency in NY? How many times have I been denied service becuase some Union Clod has to go on 15 min break, only open from 9:45 to 4:00, or some other archane non-productive rule.
Why does it cost us 5X more in garbage collection than other cities per capita? We certainly generate less garbage per person than other parts of the country – Real Simple Answer – Shady Union Contracts.
Wonder why public schools suck here? Answer again = Unions. Sucky Teachers perpetuate and languish when in the real world they would be fired immediately. Not to mention the teachers union lining up to block any incentive based pay or performance enhancing initiatives to protect their ranks from possibly having to be accountable for something.
Hate the cost of housing in NY – Look no furhter than the highest construction costs in the Nation due to Unions – And god forbid you hire a painter who is not union to cut costs, you get a giant inflatable rat outside with some 300 pound dudes whinning about how his union is getting screwed.
Sorry folks – Unions are what makes this city and state so taxed, innefficient, and expensive.
Yes, Polemicist, folks who would consider moving to the suburbs will definitely choose a high rise apartment instead. It meets the same needs. Bravo!
New York City has among the highest taxes in the nation. It is in the interest of everyone to keep businesses here, although only a few truly receive tax breaks (Goldman Sachs comes to mind).
It is true however – city employees make a ridiculous amount of money totally inconsistent with their skills. If the budget deficit gets worse, government workers will be fired no matter what.
Also, it’s crazy to bring up Ratner. That is not a city issue, as the land is owned by the state. As well, if anything – building new housing increases tax revenues. People who would otherwise move to the suburbs will move into those apartments. That means the city gets income tax from them, sales tax from the money they spend, and a healthier economy due to employers staying in the city rather than moving elsewhere to find employees.
Johnny, I only have two words for you: GOD BLESS! You know, I’m sick and tired of these liberal, Union thug-whiners thinking that just because Bruce Ratner and his billionaire brethren are a little soft around the middle, maybe kind of lilliputian, somewhat nerdy, fairly fucktardian, etc… that they can just be pushed around!
It’s time folks like you and I stood up for them and said ENOUGH! It’s a small thing, but it’s a start.
Please, stop being so selfish and think of poor Bruce Ratner! You’re out there wasting money on garbage pickups and cops, while Bruce is getting by on a mere $2 billion handout from us.
If we are all willing to have our taxes raised more and services cut, maybe we can ease his suffering and come up with another billion or so.
You know it’s right.