The Best of Brownstoner 2009
I’ve been asked, so here it is – your chance to share what you think were the best stories, the best discussions, and finest moments on Brownstoner in 2009. Those less than stellar moments can be shared as well, but please remember this is all in fun. If you’d like the rest of us to…

I’ve been asked, so here it is – your chance to share what you think were the best stories, the best discussions, and finest moments on Brownstoner in 2009. Those less than stellar moments can be shared as well, but please remember this is all in fun. If you’d like the rest of us to see the post, please put a link in your comments.
Graphic by Bxgrl
Dedicated to Benson;
Here’s the OT that started the meatball controversy. Hadn’t remembered that it was on Columbus Day.
starts at 11:51
And then a great conversation re: preservation. The Green Church in Bay Ridge:
Which post was that Bxgirl?
And MM’s post about her mom was a three hanky too
Where is CarGar today?
Crap…now I’m all teary!
Here’s the quote from Cargar:
“The Mother’s Day before my mother died, we were at a garden center together, and I bought her a hanging plant that she admired. She was very annoyed w ith me, but I refused to let her pay me back. A few months after my mother died, I was wearing my winter coat, which happened to have been at her house on Mother’s Day weekend, and I open the front pocket and there I discover 2 crumpled $5 bills. My mother had found a way to send me home with the $10 for the plant without my knowing about it – those $5 bills were the last thing she ever gave me, and they’re still in my coat pocket.
Posted by: CarrollGardened at August 26, 2009 4:25 PM”
LOL Jessi!
Yes, Bxgirl, Cargar’s post was wonderful…lemme find the quote…
I just read that Amorina thread – one of the persons came online and yelled at everyone for being mean.
bx, that story was so sweet.