Cobble Hillers are finally going to have a place to buy mass-produced ironic t-shirts while supporting conservative politics—that’s right, Urban Outfitters is coming! Racked reports the behemoth retailer has inked a deal at 164 Atlantic, the landmark building that’s recently seen a spiffy makeover care of Two Trees Management. The location will likely be Urban’s second in Brooklyn; the chain is also rumored to be eyeing a Williamsburg outpost. Williamsburg is one thing, but doesn’t the Heights-Cobble Hill axis seem a little mature for Urban’s target demo? Then again, the opening may be perfectly timed to coincide with the influx of NYU kids. A match made in heaven.
Urban Outfitters Signs Up for Brooklyn Outpost #2 [Racked]
164 Atlantic Avenue Nearing Completion [Brownstoner] GMAP

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  1. I use to go to Ozzies on Seventh when I worked in Park Slop. The place was dirty and you had to wait on a long line for the white granola cruchie with dreads to count the change ’cause he is too stoned or for the fat lesbo to slowly spread cream cheese on your week old bagel. Give me Starbucks anyday.

  2. Ever watch the last season of Buffy when they described the source of ultimate evil? “From beneath you, it devours.”

    Okay, overdramatic but I’ve been enduring the construction for the last few days and it starting me worrying about the identity of my new retail neighbors. (I live in the building.) Now I know that this is only the beginning.

    I can just imagine the youth-friendly whiny music pumping into my place all day long since I can hear every word uttered by the construction crew through my floor. Maybe my rental will pass into the hands of NYU students after all. On the other hand, I can chalk it up to the whole New York experience and try to laugh.

  3. Bringing things back onto topic for a moment…

    Urban Outfitters isn’t my kind of store, but I can definitely see it being a success here..I c an definitely see a lot of younger people falling for the one-two combo of Trader Joe’s and Urban Outfitters, and to be honest, I like the concept of having businesses that exist at all in that unused corner of Brooklyn Heights. Bring it on 🙂

  4. 3:04 – you hate Starbucks simply because it is a “chain” – if Ozzies opened 20 more stores (as they tried to do in the 90’s) you’d hate them too (as you should since the coffee sucks)

    – face it you are as robotic in your ‘non-conformist’ conforming as any BMW driving, Hamptons summering, upper-east side living Investment Banker.

  5. This doesn’t have to do with conformity.

    It has to do with the fact that I love Ozzie’s and hate Starbucks.

    Not only do I not seem to encounter the same cleanliness issues as you do, but when they see me come into Ozzie’s, the guy has my coffee ready by the time I’m up to the counter. Never happened at a Starbucks, even when I used to go every single day.

    It’s a beautiful old pharmacy (one on 7th) turned coffee shop with delcious coffee, great sandwiches, sweets, few strollers and always has a good crowd.

    What’s not to like?

    That Starbucks on 7th is a deathtrap, in my opinion. Just trying to wade past all the sad looking dads, and the strollers blocking the door, I usually walk in the street to bypass the whole scene.

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