Dock Street Protesters: 20% There on Signatures
The public relations piece of the fight over the Dock Street development proposed for Dumbo is in high gear, with protesters braving the cold temps to collect signatures against the mixed-use project. (Whether it’s any match for the postcard-mailing campaigns of Walentas & Co. remains to be seen.) What’s not to like? Some folks in…
The public relations piece of the fight over the Dock Street development proposed for Dumbo is in high gear, with protesters braving the cold temps to collect signatures against the mixed-use project. (Whether it’s any match for the postcard-mailing campaigns of Walentas & Co. remains to be seen.) What’s not to like? Some folks in the area, including the Dumbo Neighborhood Association and the Brooklyn Heights Association, think the proposed building is too big and too close to the Brooklyn Bridge and aren’t being won over by the inclusion of 80 affordable units of housing or the potential for a new public middle school. One of the guys with a placard and a noteboard told us they’d collected about 2,000 sigs to date out of the 10,000 they’re hoping to get before the ULURP hearings begin.
Dock Street Plans (Marina and All) Go 3D [Brownstoner]
Yassky and Walentas Square Off over Dock Street [Brownstoner]
Two Trees Plans Mixed Use Building Next to Bridge [Brownstoner]
DUMBO Controversy Spurs Petition Drive [Brooklyn Eagle]
NIMBY? Please. Walentas needs a zoning change to build this. Guess that makes him an IMBY. If he wants, let him screw us all and our million dollar views (both of AND FROM the bridge) by building a commercial tower as of right. But as long as he needs approval to build was what never contemplated here, I’m gonna fight it.
so lets see… people who are opposed to this project are rascists, nimbys, class oppresors, anti education, in need of medications, zealots, anti constitutional and anti N.Y.C Have I left anything out Two trees? You guys seem angry. What’s up?
you tried to enagage me and i gave you the finger. i do the same to the CORD. dont take it personally
rather than sign a petition y dont you start a collection out there? with 98% of brooklyn supporting you I bet you will be able to collect enough to buy the land and keep it free and clear of any infringement of the bridge…
why on earth would someone have an opinion that is not my own? how can that be? you must be being paid by THE ENEMY! only possible answer….
The purpose of the law is to benefit the entire population of the society in which the laws are in effect. Preventing development in DUMBO for the few hundred people who cherish their view of the bridges adversely affects everyone in the city. It direct affects the 800 people who won’t be able to live in this building if it is never constructed. It indirectly affects everyone who cannot afford a home right now because this is just one more small step in reducing supply and thus making housing even MORE expensive.
The constitution guarantees equal protection under the law. NIMBYism goes against everything this country is founded upon. It excludes the many to benefit the few, all under the pretext of “the law”. History has proven that unjust laws never stand the test of time. At the current rate, the future of New York City can be only 2 things: 1) the housing crisis gets so bad that the “have nots” will actually begin to understand supply and demand economics and realize NIMBYs are selfish rich people intent on screwing them and react violently or 2) NIMBYs have not ingratiated themselves with the people, and in the event of a major downturn int he US economy, their neighborhoods will become targets of those disaffected people.
Let the wealthy be warned – as long as their is a housing shortage of epic proportions in this city, there will be an enormous class divide. It is in your best interests to insure that everyone has access to desirable housing. When that is achieved, your petty concerns can perhaps be addressed. Until that time however, the welfare of the people takes precedent.
You need your meds now.
Really. You do.
I don’t get people who are in favor of this really. What do they have to gain with another butt ugly super tall out of context building. Wait….unless they do have something to gain….Like..they work for the company that wants to hoist it on us..Hmmmmmm … You busy little beavers at 2 trees!
2:20 and 2:21 hit the nail on the head. The NIMBYS believe that God is on their side and therefore everone must agree with them. They are quintessential zealots.
I’ll say it again. And again. A SCHOOL IS NOT, WILL NOT, NOW, EVER, come to that building. I am 100% certain of this. If you are in favor of this building because you think it will provide a school then you are confused.