I just attended a block association meeting where the residents are interested in putting planters out along the sidewalk. Does anyone know if any kind of permission is required for this? Plus, does anyone have any experience of doing this – positive or negative.


  1. when I lived in Ft GreeneI planted whiskey barrels without permit but that was before it became Ft “Gleam”. I just had to move once so passengers in cars could get doors fully opened after parking.

  2. ‘Yeah — Bob, you live in a neighborhood where neighbors like each other and like to do neighborly things’
    Exactly tybur6–that’s what Ä°’ve been wrıtıng about PLG for years. Aren’t ALL brownstone neıghborhods that way? 🙂

    Also, our sıdewalks are pretty wıde, so there’s no real obstructıon of the sıdewalk.

  3. http://igrewthis.wordpress.com/2009/11/01/sidewalk-delights/

    i have had a blooming street garden for 3 years. starting on year 4…

    have never had any problem with city. no tickets or anything (and our building has gotten ECB tickets for trash and whatnot on the sidewalk so the officials have def seen the garden)

    of course, every neighborhood & street is different. for one, we have doublewide sidewalks and there is a bar with an outdoor cafe (almost) next door to us. we live on a truck route in williamsburg that has been plagued with sidewalk trash issues. the neighbors all loved the garden because we started really taking ownership of our sidewalk and kept it free of trash and cig butts. seems like you can get away with it as long as you maintain it, as long as it is portable (if the fire dept can move it they seem to be cool) and as long as your neighbors are in favor and arent calling it in to 311.

  4. Our upstairs neighbors put planters and plants all around our building. There is still plenty of room on the sidewalk. Technically you need permits but they never got them and it has been 6 years that the planters have been out there. It is so wonderful for the people that live in the building and people always appreciate when walking by. I would just do it, I guess unless you live in a particularly fussy neighborhood/block.

  5. Yeah — Bob, you live in a neighborhood where neighbors like each other and like to do neighborly things. Having reasonable planters without permits is perfectly acceptable and flies under the radar… Now, in Park Slop or Brooklyn Heights, you’re probably going to get sued by “Neighbors for better Flower Planters” or “Seniors for Safety”

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