houseCrown Heights
682 Saint Marks Avenue
Floors: 4

houseCrown Heights
1267 Carroll Street
Floors: 3

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  1. For those who are interested, and willing to venture into Crown Heights for a tour, I suggest looking at the following blocks: President St. bet. New York and Brooklyn aves. looks more like suburbia. Detached houses, some indeed mansions, with 30 feet of lawn in front and one and two car and garages behind. Granted these houses rarely appear on the market, but this stability is a plus for the area. The area around Brower Park, especially St. Marks Ave Between Brooklyn and Kingston Aves is lined with oversized Limestone houses with mahogany paneling, stained glass everywhere, marble mantels etc. etc. The expansion of the Brooklyn Childrens’ Museum will create more interest and value for the area. Dean Street bet. New York and Kingston aves is as beautiful a block as anywhere in Brownstone Brooklyn. Lined with mature trees, the houses vary in style and are wide. On my block of Park Place bet New York and Brooklyn aves. the neighbors are warm and there is a feeling of community. The area’s properties were grossly undervalued until only a couple of years ago, but when people started looking and buying here, the prices started to cath up with the market, and in my opinion, justifyably so. Gentrification is moving slowly here, which is fine with me. Amenities will come with time.

    As for the West Indian Day Parade, we learned the first time around that you either stay home that weekend or get away until after Labor Day, but don’t try to be coming or going that weekend. If you think gunshots, rare as they are nowadays, are restricted to Crown Heights, you are a victim of selective reasoning. I suppose one could avoid living in Manhattan for the crime and noisy, rowdy parades.

    I would be bitter if I were looking to buy a house in Brooklyn these days. Buying in Crown Heights three years ago was the smartest thing I’ve ever done.

  2. talkin’ sense: my argument was about keeping posts civil, not about convincing people to move to crown heights…

    i may have been unclear when i wrote “maybe an even tempered rebuttle might change some minds here…” it was meant more to stress being even tempered in a reply.

  3. Or, maybe it’s simply because families are back from vacation and, so, seasonal demand is expected to pick up.
    Industry participants have acknowledged that this summer has been slow, and the fall is being watch closely for signs indicating whether the summer slowdown was seasonal or a foretelling of things to come.

  4. To the 02:32 PM anon poster

    Boy what a great argument! You really wowed me so much that I think I will fork over a million dollars to live in Crown Heights (sarcasm intended). I think the CH as dump argument still stands. Speaking of the West Indian Parade, it has always seemed dicey when I have gone and reports of shooting don’t exactly make me want to fork over almost a mil to move to the area. As for diversity, I agree with a previous poster that the area has no great claim to that with two dominant ethic groups living separate but equal lives. I still can’t live down that area as the place where the race riots happened (and just to be fair, I wouldn’t live in Bensonhurst for the racial stain it has left in my mind.

  5. Anonymous 4:46 and 5:01–

    I looked in Bed Stuy off an on for two years–my contractor lives on Hancock between Nostrand and Marcy, and I have several friends who also live there. Crime and stratification–not a good mix.

    I’m Scandinavian–netither Hasidic nor caribbean–maybe if you got past the 1991 riot, you’d have a clearer perspective on Crown Heights.

    Inform me: What’s great about Bed-Stuy?

  6. very interesting that the showing begins AFTER Labor Day. I wonder why??????
    Ahhhhhhh…. Yes the WEST INDIAN DAY PARADE!!!!!!!
    That neighborhood is a zoo this weekend. Gun shots, Loud…LOUD LOUD Music all night, drinking and millions..yes millions of people everywhere.

  7. Re: “Now Bed-Stuy? That’s serious overvaluing.”

    vautrin, you come off as a little desperate when you have to put someone else down in order to make yourself feel better about your own neighborhood/investment/what have you. Just as you wish people would look at the positive aspects of where you live, maybe you shouldn’t go around making blanket (and uninformed) statements about where others choose to live.

  8. What diversity in Crown Heights? You are either black or a Hasidic Jew…unless you are referring to the different Carribean groups as the diversity. Not many Asians, whites or hispanics.

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