Brownstoner's New Look
For those of you just tuning in, we put up a new site design over the weekend. The major change is that we removed the left-hand column and enlarged the size of the editorial column by about 25%. We’ve already gotten an email from Bob Marvin, who may have a year or two on our…
For those of you just tuning in, we put up a new site design over the weekend. The major change is that we removed the left-hand column and enlarged the size of the editorial column by about 25%. We’ve already gotten an email from Bob Marvin, who may have a year or two on our average reader, expressing his pleasure at the fact that he no longer needs a magnifying glass to read the text. We’ve also gotten an email or two from people who don’t like the new look. We’re interested to hear everyone’s feedback. Nothing’s set in stone so please let us know what you like and what you don’t, keeping in mind, of course, that it can take a few days to get used to a new design. (We’re not entirely sold yet on the Arial font – maybe we should go with the font we use on Brooklyn Record.) How many of you remember what the site looked like a year ago?
Update: Vote on which header you prefer by clicking here.
One last thought about the ads…With two column of ads, the site does feel more commercial, even if technically its the same percentage as before. I think seeing one column of ads and another of links felt less commercial, the way you had it before. But if the site can generate more income by selling more ads and Brownstoner can quit his day job, then maybe its worth it. Everyone deserves 8 hours of sleep.
When are you going to switch the forums over to a phpBB so that any new post made to a topic brings that topic to the top of the page? All the forums are right now is the same question asked and answered over and over again.
I mean how many topics do we really need for who do I call for Iron Work and the answer of Vinny’s?
Speaking of Reno Blogs has Brownstoner finished his reno? ‘Cuz the last entry was November 16, 2005.
What happened to the search section? If I want to look up electricians or what-not previously discussed on the site, where do I go to find?
The new pic is just so… obvious. The site is called brownstoner, so putting a picture of a brownstone isn’t a bad thing… but it also doesn’t display thought and creativity. Interestingly enough, as I recall, the old photo was not even one of a brownstone (it’s was of a building in DUMBO), but it applied perfectly to the brownstone concept. Showed that some thought was actually put into the banner.
Not that I care that much, but the new banner pic makes more sense than the old guy-in-the-rubble pic. This isn’t Some of the people here reno’ed fixer-uppers (like I did), others bought places in move-in condition. I don’t think one of us has a special claim on the True Soul of Brownstoner. The new pic applies to everybody.
where’s the other reno blogs?
I need a little space on the left and Arial is a poor choice–go with a nice serif face, it’ll be easier to read.
Point well taken about the reno blogs